Reviews for Clandestine
Dark Song 87 chapter 8 . 5/30/2013
I love this story!
Karka chapter 8 . 4/27/2013
Hey, I just thought i would let you know that i found this fic on livejournal, and i really think you should continue it! it is well thought out and well written. :)
LostAgesOfTime chapter 8 . 4/13/2012
Thanks for not 5 YEARS! :
Alana84 chapter 8 . 3/12/2011
OMFG, this must be one of the best Inheritance Cycle stories I’ve read so far, as well, as Eragorn/Murtagh pairing, obviously! It’s freaking amazing, everything about it, and I mean it too! The plot’s awesome and so is the character portrayal, as well as character interaction, especially Eragorn/Murtagh, of course, hehe! Everyone’s very much in character I believe, and Thorn’s just so cool, I love snarky characters, so…

I also really like the quotes in the beginning of each chapter; they really fit each and one of them to the teeth, so very beautiful! The very hot kissing scene in chapter eight was totally mind-blowing, I effing loved it very steamy indeed, too bad it ended so quickly, oh well! About who’s going to be on Eragorn’s side when everything gets out; they way I see it, either Arya or Nasuada or perhaps even both of them?

I cannot believe it’s been nearly four years since your last update, it really saddens me, you’ve probably abandoned this wonderful story, which is almost heartbreakingly sad, because it’s so amazingly good, incredibly well written and whatnot, kudos! Therefore I sincerely hope you’ll write more one day, until then…and if not, thank you for sharing such an awesome story!
XamierTheNobody chapter 8 . 3/9/2011

That was awesome

Good to know that there was atleast some 'action' before this story apparently was discontinued due to the almost four year delay
Niyebe chapter 8 . 2/14/2011
No update for years? Have you dropped this story? Please don't, I love it!
Niyebe chapter 2 . 2/14/2011
I REALLY like this story! Loved Thorn's comment btw: '/Yay,/ Thorn said dryly, mentally rolling his eyes, /More angst'. x'D
FrostedDiamond chapter 8 . 1/2/2011
this story... FUCKIN EPIC! i love this story, for some reason it reminds me of me and my boyfriend, even though sadly, he just broke up with me a few days ago -cries in a corner-, but yeah, epic story

denial is EPIC! but mean T.T

but happy katie? why not, typie katie? please update soon, or frosty will cry small flakes of sadness
Arona chapter 8 . 9/30/2010
I began read your fic few time ago, and I actually love it! The characters and their reactions are realistic and well described. And the idea of a secret relationship between Murtagh and Eragon despite the fact that the red Rider is still under Galbatorix's contrô's interesting.

All the fics I've read on this pairing were "without (or with minimal) scenario in amount of graphic scene(s)" type, and I throught it was a great pity...But you fic is different : good scenar, doubts and characters psychology very well wrote (and without spelling mistakes at each sentence)...It's very refreshing.

I actually pray for a new update soon (but I've seen the last update was in 2007, so maybe you have gave up on this fic? I hope I'm wrong). Anyway, I wanted to thank you for have posted this, and say my interest for your work as writer.



PS: English is not my native language, so please forgive any possible mistakes
Uchiha revenger chapter 8 . 5/18/2010
This is a lovely story! I hope it wasn't the end of it. I was at the break of tears. The pain..

OH THE PAIN.. Update again if this is a continuing story. I would kill for you if you updated it!
OtomeLuver chapter 8 . 4/28/2010
I LOVE THIS! *squeals in fangirlish delight* PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update! I know that you haven't updated this story in almost three years, but... It's absolutely amazing! Wow! Up till now, I had been reading Harry slash, but... *blinks in shock* I LOVE this couple! All the confusion, the doubt, the turmoil, the denial... and the even more forbiddeness of their love! It's not a normal yaoi, oh no. They're in love with the enemy, they're brothers (Well, sorta. Read Brisingr yet?), and yet they're still in love... *sighs in pure happiness* Sorta like a gay, incestuous Romeo and Juliet. Except far far better. Have you decided which character is going to support Eragon? Either Arya or Nasuada could work. And I'm sure Arya will be GLAD to get Eragon off her back.

So... If you did continue this, will you go by what Brisingr says, or will you go AU on it? Oh, and if you decide not to continue this, can I adopt it? Pretty please? It's such a good story, I don't want it to end unfinished! T_T
OtomeLuver chapter 4 . 4/28/2010
K, I dunno If you figured out these answers yet, but I decided to answer them anyway.

1) I think that both of your choices would be good. Nasuada would be awesome, because she's, well Eragon's boss. I LOVED how Katrina acted during Brisingr, so she'd be pretty good as well... NO WAY should Roran accept it. He should be completely and utterly against it, 100%. Hmms... Between Nasuada and Katrina, I'd have to say the latter. I think it would be pretty cool for her to go against her hubby.

2) As for the Green Rider... I'd have to say I've got a two opinions: Either it goes unfound, or it goes to a human girl. And it must be a GIRL. I figure that would make the story the awesomest, cause what I get from the story, humans and dwarves (and maybe elves?) are not big in the "warrior girl" thing. So, I think it should be a younger teenage girl? Like 14/15/16? It would make the story the coolest, personally, and I would like it that way.
BraveRadin chapter 8 . 4/26/2010
update update update update!

its better than others because you kinda explain why its wrong to be in a relationship but me likes :)
Dairegh chapter 8 . 1/25/2010
Review, indeed. ;) So far, I like it. It's solely focused on Murtagh and Eragon's relationship amongst the conflict, which is quite interesting, given their special circumstances. Bravo. Onward, to Victory! ;P
Yura-chan chapter 7 . 1/3/2010
Totally love, and I'm sorry I wasn't there from the beginning. Even if you complain about the OOCness of the characters, you can't know how they would react in a situation like this, and I think you managed to keep them remarkably in character considering. Love Thorn by the way! His sarcasm brightens my day (or night as it happens to be)!
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