Reviews for The Game of Empires
SJQ chapter 36 . 7/13
having just wrapped up my annual reread, I find myself once again in awe of the quality of the work, and saddened that I'm never likely to find out how it ends.

I don't know if you're still reading reviews, but this remains one of my all time favourite fanfics, a great example of complex narrative and deep and interesting characters, and a genuinely engaging plot.

Till next year I suppose
Guest chapter 36 . 5/13
Hope this note finds you well.
Thanks so very much for sharing it!
Eagerly hoping you’ll be inspired to update it soon. Ever so very interested in learning if Remi will be able to reconcile his feelings for Rogue, and she, him. And to see if Remy will ever return...since Remi is in an odd sense the interloper. ... ... ... Ever since a couple earlier chapters (when Remi was a teenager) you’d written hints of how Remi feels incomplete...[apart from Remy and Rogue]...but at that age, he hadn’t realized what exactly it was he was missing and if he’d ever find that certain fit he’d always been longing for. (Crushing too is how Rogue fared without Remy in her life... But absolutely loved the snippets of the four LeBeaus life together.)
Seriously hoping you’d be inspired to finish your beautifully written and creatively imagined tale and share it with your readers! :)
Take care, please and be well!
Thank you, again, for sharing this story! A real gem of a find and a real pleasure to read (and reread) and muse(/wrestle) over—there are just so many interesting, fleshed out cogs at play...
Sue Penkivech chapter 1 . 6/10/2019
Had a burst of nostalgia this weekend and had to go back and read this entire story from beginning to end. It's still amazing. Hope you're doing well!
Crimson chapter 36 . 4/8/2019
Is it wrong that every time I read this, I keep hoping Cody will somehow be found safe? Or, rather, alive? I know it's most likely that Remi's certainty that there had been enough time was just an innocent denial of the facts... But I always read this hoping that I missed a hint somewhere that he'll be back. The LeBeaus could use a win.
RRL24 chapter 1 . 1/24/2018
I'm really hoping that this is the year you update this story. I am so invested in Remy/Remi and how his connection with Rogue unfolds. I'm holding my breath... :)
Winterwolfen chapter 2 . 9/21/2017
I usually reserve myself to use dirty tricks to get you to update the story until every fifth year or something, but I'm really abstinent here to see what Token is up to so here you go, another puss in boots avatar. This has nothing to do with me hoping to get to know what Poccy is up to ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡) *hint hint wink wink*
Maria Fabrcia chapter 1 . 7/19/2017
Remy, the real Remy, will return?
Xuan Tian Shang Ti chapter 36 . 7/3/2017 are a fantastic author. Thank you for writing and sharing this.
Triolet chapter 36 . 4/27/2017
Guest chapter 36 . 4/23/2017
I'm obsessed with this story. You are such an amazing writer, and I am so anxious to find out what happens to Remi and between Remi and Rogue.
eluci chapter 36 . 2/6/2017
I will admit that I stopped reading this series a while back when Gambit got 'erased' - but now that I've read all the way through I'm so glad I kept going! He has always been my favorite, and you write him SO well, and in this story you've brought such a unique take on his character. Thank you so much for sharing with us, and I'm looking forward to your next chapters!
Selenology chapter 36 . 11/10/2016
Once in a while I check back in, and oh, the joy to find 2 new chapters had been posted since I last visited. Thank you so much for your continued work and loyalty to this story. I will be here to read it whenever it is ready. These last 2 chapters have been so interesting with trying to figure out how Remy and Remi will merge and how to move forward with his relationships. It's all so very complicated and so engaging! Thank you so much for sharing.
Mrs.Chaton chapter 36 . 10/25/2016
Updateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdate wrrdiudysoidsiraraijrarja I need to read more. I have put off reading this for YEARS because I wanted it to be finished but I finally gave in and I'm so glad I did. Pllleeawwaaaaassseeewweeeehhh update really soon please please pleaseeeee
Winterwolfen chapter 32 . 10/25/2016
I miss GoE, so here is Sorry for trolling :-)

I really want another chapter because I _really_ want to see what Token is up to and what visions she will have next. Think about it, she can jinx the story now with her visions (I'm looking at you Ozymandias and your carving, this will so blow up in Apocalypse face later :))

The other aspect is I need my 'angest' fix, I'm already started to get abstinence here. I want to know how the dynamic will be now between Remi/Rogue/token...and while you are at it, throw in Joseph too. No but seriously, Remi 'marking' Rogue in that last chapter made me thinking, that's really unhealthy if you think about it. If Remi created a psychic bond like jean grey/Cyclops, but without rogues consent, I don't know about you, but I would have been pissed, it's like being mind raped *scratch head' This story is just getting better and better

Anyway, to make you in a better fanfic mood *dumps truckloads of fanfiction carrots and throws in a coups of plot-bunny viagra pills* Sorry, I never said I played nice :)

Anyway that's all from me at the always keep up the good work Val and happy Halloween

Wait a minute...I haven't said anything about Nightengale this whole time, what's wrong with me? No worries, she's not forgotten, here is another fanart because why not :P pasteboard . co / jjyK73Tzj . jpg
RLS83843 chapter 36 . 9/12/2016
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