Reviews for InfluEDza
iEliteRoyale chapter 1 . 6/8
OMG I cant believe how the crew can keep up with him XDD
manga.geek.3 chapter 1 . 2/28/2015
hahahaha okay, this was hilarious. loved it! :D
Cutiepie120048 chapter 1 . 4/15/2014

I've never laughed that hard in a while

You're stories aye awesome arms if your still on here, THANK YOU for being a BRILLIANT writer!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
That's not possible, if you had that many shots in one day you'd be really sick
ThreeKittiesDancing chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
Wow, your ability to visualize and tell a funny story is amazing, and spot-on in Ed's case. This was hilarious! But still, I felt for poor, poor Edward, being hunted, pursued, caught, carried, and tormented by Mustang's men, his own brother, and the sadistic colonel himself! I just loved Ed going ninja and almost giving everyone the slip.

Now if Ed hadn't already been traumatized by getting shots before, he's going to be ten times more traumatized in the future. Having to get multiple shots all at once in just the one arm most likely left his arm hurting enough to make him hardly be able to use it for a couple days after that. You could've done a follow-up story for this with Ed getting very sick from all the shots he got that were supposed to keep him healthy. (It was only a few years ago that people were dying after getting the flu shot, so they can have the opposite effect from what they're meant for.). I wouldn't want to see Ed end up like that, of course, but if he had ended up sick and hospitalized because of those shots, he would've been royally pissed! And if Winry had had to come fix his automail because of their manhandling of Ed, maybe she would use her wrench on someone other than Ed for a change.

I've read another fanfic explaining that Ed's fear of needles stems from his horrific automail surgery. In that light, ît would be nice if his brother, Mustang, and his men were educated about how terrible that was for young Edward, followed up by a wrench upside their heads! Still, besides all that, your story was laugh-out-loud good, and it made me wish I could've helped Edward out and hidden him from his attackers!
Yuki Suou chapter 1 . 7/6/2013
Really really Ed
ZakuroU chapter 1 . 6/22/2013
That's so freaking hilarious!
I can't...I just don't...It's...HYSTERICAL!
(Loved the insult, btw.)
It's funny because my greatest (AND ONLY, I TELL YOU!) weak spot in the world is needles.
Which sucks because I hafta get one soon. T.T
I feel your pain, Ed... FEEL IT...
Kita Me chapter 1 . 4/16/2013
I woudn't put it past Ed to swear like a tornado, freak out because of a shot (it's been established that he has a fear of needles in the 2003 anime, hehe), refer to his arm as a "blinkin' sausage" (super ROFL!) and fear Mustang like the plague after this (the bastard's evil smile in the end is so not reassuring at Ed! _)

Great work! Had fun reading this piece! Write on! XD
TheGrandJester chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
You, my lady, are a genius.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
Hilarious! Thank you for the laughs. :D
Do a Barrel Roll chapter 1 . 2/3/2012
Wow...that is an impressive insult! I ought to write it down.
SoullessElric chapter 1 . 11/22/2011
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I loved the insult so much that I sent it on an email. X3 Now I'm sending the whole fic, it's HILARIOUS! I sang the pink panther theme at that scene by the way. XD
I31011 chapter 1 . 6/19/2011

I tried saying it in one breath but I started laughing and just about passed also I was reading too fast to make sense of what I was saying...rofl

I loooooooooooooove your FanFics!

keep up the super-duper-extramazing work!
BringingBackSocksWithSandals chapter 1 . 4/12/2011
oh my gosh this could have been a humor episode!

lol you say its a crack fic, bt its so IC :)

i want to hear Ed say that really long insult!
Gothic-Romantic99 chapter 1 . 3/6/2011
This story is hilarious and I can see something like this happening. This is both humorous and has an interesting plotline. The best thing about this is that it could actually pass for a humor episode. They have a special ninja force, doesn't surprise me, they have some strange things and people.

Roy is so cruel and he seems to be enjoying Ed's torment. I'm almost convinced that he knew about Ed's needle phobia and just wanted to get a laugh out of the situation before having him get the actual shot. I love the little bit about Roy's plans for a Paperwork Abolishment Act. Also great work with Roy's argument with the doctor before stabbing poor Ed with the needle. He can be a real jerk.

Your descriptions of Ed overreacting (What? Ed overreact?) are amazing. Even though this is meant to be crack, you have still kept Ed very much in character. The fact that it takes three grown men and Al to catch and carry him to the clinic really says something.

Great work with this story.
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