Reviews for Folly of Man
Guest chapter 52 . 5/30
Guest chapter 14 . 7/27/2017
im enjoying this so far, maybe a little more ike would be nice though :)
Aeous tout la Debonair chapter 52 . 10/24/2007
Wow. This fic is amazing. This is Fire Emblem at its best! Congatulations!
walonvaus chapter 15 . 10/12/2007
Nice story there! I kinda admit to skipping a large part of the story just to get where Zihark was- great job with him! The whole story is excellent as well- good amount of descrpition with verbal advances. My only critique is to have a litle more description- describe the setting, the people, the movements, etc.

Wonderfully long fanfic of PoR! Congrats.
darkwave390 chapter 20 . 6/7/2007
I'm not going to lie, the story is really good it just has a few gramical errors...not that mine are any better. That hole cottage cheese

The story has everything it needs to be great a perfect balance between the charectors being serious and humorus.
ZephyraExcalibur chapter 22 . 6/1/2007
ok ur story is good but i think u shud describe things more - generally "a forest" and things like that aren't very specific. ignore me if i havent been reading corectly
ZephyraExcalibur chapter 7 . 5/31/2007
(So far) this is the best fanfic I've ever read - i dont get how u can call urself a beginner.
disgruntledwritingcat chapter 12 . 5/29/2007
Wave after wave of soldiers... Don't ya just love seiges?

It is great so far. I need to get to the end...

Sarah'sTwilight chapter 52 . 5/29/2007
i liked it though i do still prefere the first ending. i personally found nothing wrong with anything that you wrote. as i said to you your writing can only get better and it did. i thank you for a great read and i look forward to your future fictions.

btw i took on your advise with the chapter and it does now look and sound a bit better. so thanks for your advise on the chapter.
Sarah'sTwilight chapter 50 . 5/29/2007
my god that was one of the best chapters i have ever read from you, it keept me going though still slightly shocked about the whole thing. hope all your storys are this good or even better, as this was amazing. concratulations on writing this fanfiction. now i'll read the other ending and see how you end that one, i'm sure beyond a doubt that it will be just as good. :D
Sarah'sTwilight chapter 49 . 5/26/2007
wow this is really good, i'm impressed with this. to me good or bad ending i'll still read it. though the bad ending is sounding very interesting and it intrigues me a lot more than the good ending. A tid more detail in the story would be great other then that. writing is good everything else is fantastic. Looking forward to the next lot of updates.
Rowan chapter 6 . 5/25/2007
Belting out conversation is nice, but describing the pain the character feels when he/she is attacked is great too. Setting descriptions would be nice as well. I think you've got an interesting story here, but it would be stronger if you added more description to the setting and to the emotions of other characters. Describing the setting may not be important to you, but it is especially important in fanfiction since we can't get into your head to see where the characters are. Before you add new chapters, I highly suggest you add some more detail to previous ones, as I have the feeling the rest of the chapters are mostly conversation as well. Also, consider indicating where there's a scene change. You can use symbols or the horizontal rules for that.
Sarah'sTwilight chapter 47 . 5/24/2007
hey there, god your good with updating, i love the fact that there is romance on the battlefield though in reality might end up dying if they stood around too long. the fights were very well thought out and hooe the last chaptrs when you get round to them will be just as fantastic.

disgruntledwritingcat chapter 4 . 5/23/2007
I've only just started reading this, but I think it is really good. It is very entertaining.
Sarah'sTwilight chapter 44 . 5/21/2007
forgot to mention going back through this chapter, i like the way you've made boyd out to be, but don't be too hard on him, he does try though he can be a bit of a jerk SOMETIMES. just thought i'd mention that.
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