Reviews for The Elementalist
themagebear chapter 7 . 7/1/2009
good. why isnt there a celebration for the pokemon?
Lixie Lorn chapter 24 . 6/11/2009
Hello. Cliche as this story is, you've written it very well. I love it.

Shadow Ball doesn't hurt normal types though. So you know.

Silver Tru-Neko chapter 1 . 10/7/2008
Awesome story! Eevees rule. Loved the part at the end when they went to Professor Oak's, with all the references to the anime. Gary's reaction to Ash's Kingler: priceless!

Anyway, keep up the great writing and looking forward to the sequel!

TheBlackPheonixNightengaleFudo chapter 1 . 10/4/2008
Blue Phoenix Flower chapter 4 . 8/23/2008
AWESOME! Misty hitting on Jack, funny. I believe in AAML though.
gamergirlavs chapter 2 . 4/27/2008
please would give a sequal im so in love with your writing and i looked really hard for the answers and i truly would like to know what happens next. You are an superb writer.

Thank you,


p.s. sorry for spelling
Cerulean City chapter 23 . 3/24/2008
It sucks that it's over now. But I can't wait to see the sequel. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

BTw: what's the resource you found? It didn't show in the chapter. I might need it, if you know what I mean *laugh*

anywho, Can't wait to see the sequel. Don't keep me in limbo too long. LOL

~Just keep swimming

neoblacksmith17 chapter 23 . 3/20/2008
to be quite frank i didnt like that ending, why you did that?

but i cant wait to see the sequel
GlowingGreenEyes chapter 16 . 3/20/2008
...and may I just add that you are spectacularly gifted at writing Pokemon battles, so if you should get the urge to write any more Pokemon fics, related to this one or not, I will read. :)
GlowingGreenEyes chapter 23 . 3/19/2008
Really amazing story, disappointed that it's ending. Hope the sequel is really long!
GlowingGreenEyes chapter 22 . 3/19/2008
Wow! That was unexpected! Excellent writing, but I'm going to miss Jack! :(
Hibana chapter 22 . 3/18/2008
Oi! What an ending! I didn't see that one coming... please, please, PLEASE update soon with the epilogue! I won't be able to stand it...

(and just when they were together too... drat that evil man)

She isn't REALLY taking the offer, is she? I mean, it's great, but... she'd give up everything for her career...

And for Jack to just leave!

Sorry I'm ranting, but that just goes to show how much your story drew me into it. (And i always wanted to have all the eevee evolutions too!)
dragonsrullllz chapter 21 . 3/1/2008
good. this story will go far...oh and did you know that they're makin a dragon,ground,poisen, and a normall type evolution for eevee?
Steelion chapter 21 . 2/29/2008
I've always kind of wondered what night shade looked like. Nice description of it. Another very nice chapter.
GlowingGreenEyes chapter 21 . 2/26/2008
Loved it, as always! Damn, you're good! Awaiting the next! :D
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