Reviews for Ore no Gakuen
Liz chapter 1 . 10/23/2015
Really great story! I enjoyed reading it so far.
DUCKYMOMO chapter 8 . 11/4/2014
Dude,it's 2014...update or delete!
Kureijrabu chapter 3 . 4/25/2014
Heheh, I read this a few months ago and ended up falling in love with Automtic, now it's my favourite song and Hikaru Utada is my favourite artist! Today I was listening to my phone on shuffle and Automatic came on, I remembered this fic and started searching for it and passed it at least five times under different searches and in my history before I realised that it was this fic hahaha! The fic is brilliant, I love your writing style but right now I'm using anon :( when I get an account I'll fav you! :D
Anon chapter 8 . 11/26/2012
*gasps* Oh god I love you so much please continue this, pretty please? You're so wonderful at this I'm begging you! This is sooooo good! *spazzing*
OmgBakuSamama chapter 8 . 10/14/2012
Now! X3 I love this...
MyFalseTruth chapter 4 . 6/24/2012
It's so cute how Marik and Ryou met! Of course Ryou somehow manages to confuse him before running off again. By the end of this chapter I'm convinced that Ryou and Marik are simply the cutest when they are together!

I laughed at the fanclub thing. Did Ryou expect he could somehow not have one? I have a feeling Ryou isn't going to let his class work in groups anymore.
MyFalseTruth chapter 3 . 6/24/2012
There are few things funnier than a Touzoku who has been drinking. A Touzoku who has been drinking that's talking to Mai is one of those few things.

But Mai is one of the coolest people ever. She's really cool with Bakura, Marik, and Touzoku but she was so kind to Ryou she made my good book.

So Malik got the bike from Marik, dangerous choice. Touzoku gives good nicknames. Puffhead. Ha!

I did not think Bakura would really go confront the band. I fear for the band right now. As much as I doubted Bakura would sing, he chose a fitting song. Then Malik dancing made it all so awsome.

When Mai kissed Touzoku on the cheek the response was hilarious! Just picturing him blushing sent me into hysterics. I couldn't stop laughing.
MyFalseTruth chapter 2 . 6/19/2012
Touzoku and Marik's combined effort get Bakura away from the piano is truely hilarious. Almost every word Touzoku said made me laugh. But when he charged through the unlocked door was so funny! I love how Bakura is so calm and collected even after just being hauled out on Touzoku's shoulder. And how the mere mention of ribs can help Touzoku's pain.

In the second section it didn't take me long to figure out who it was checking himself out in the mirror. I also wish I was that mirror. Ahem, anyways. Malik and Ryou are an adorable pair of friends.

I think it's so very fitting that Bakura can't enjoy live music because they keep getting notes wrong. But oh man, Mai talking with them was one of the best conversations so far! And I love how worried Touzoku got at the thought of Mai buttoning up her shirt.

I think it's so nice of Malik to try and get a very shy Ryou to open up, even if Ryou refused alcohol. And it was really nice to also offer to see a movie or got to an arcade. All in all, I think Malik is an awsome friend.

I'm happy to finally see where the vampireism joke came from. And of course Bakura would also being immune to food poisoning.

Love the chapter! A great follow up to a great begining!
MyFalseTruth chapter 1 . 6/19/2012
I have to be honest, when I read the summary I was expecting a complete crack fic with no plot whatsoever. But when I read it I was not only pleased to find out it's an amazing story, but it blew my mind!

Ryou is so cute as a teacher! I can easily see all the girls crushing on him.

You somehow had managed to put humor into a part with a serious Marik, bravo on that by the way, and I was in love with the story by that point.

Of course, I can't describe how much I laughed when the first thing in the next point of view was "RUN! RUN! RUN DAMN YOU!". I was pretty sure who it was by that point. He would make an injured kid play, then the way he intereacted with Marik was priceless! They just flowed together like they really have been arguing for years. Why am I not surprised Touzoku's section both started and ended in all caps?

Bakura frightened me. The way you so clearly described the student's fear was incredible.
Psychoshipper13 chapter 8 . 7/12/2011
LadySunami chapter 6 . 6/27/2011
Ryou is far too modest. Gah, his adorableness knows no bounds! I love the way you write Mai in this. She's just so cheeky and sweet! What can I say, I approve of your writing in general. It's a pity your account is dead. I imagine life took over, as it tends to do. I hope you appreciate the reviews at least.

Mmm, and the Bakura Malik interactions are fabulous as well. It's a pity about Malik's past. Poor kid always gets the short end of the stick in fanfiction it seems. I'd hug him if I could. It's brilliant how he pegs Bakura to a T. He's got an eye for people it seems.

I think I'll make this my last review, mostly because it's late and I'm not ever sure you're getting these. I'm still putting you on an author alert though. Miracles do happen after all. :)
LadySunami chapter 5 . 6/27/2011
Oh Ryou is just too cute for words! Can't blame Marik for his interest. Their perfectionist tendencies will get along nicely. I still wonder how Touzoku knows Ryou though... Touzoku and Marik obviously knew one another since childhood considering the broken ankle and food stealing thing.

Bakura and Malik are going to the same conference! I knew it the moment Beethoven was mentioned in his note. Well, I guess that means he get's to meet his Japanese pop singer! I've gotta wonder if Bakura even noticed him dancing. It didn't seem like he did. Heh, from the student's perspectives those two are such opposites!

Aha! Marik and Malik are cousins! I knew they knew each other somehow. And way to get your cousin a date Malik. XD
LadySunami chapter 4 . 6/26/2011
Well alright then. The roommate question is sort-of resolved. Except, how did Touzoku spill Marik's coffee on Bakura's floor? You just said Bakura owned his own flat. Is his flat the basement or something? Eh, I'm confused. Ah, the teacher-residences sort of explain it. I'm still a little confused.

Ryou's got Marik a shirt! Their scenes were so cute! Am I to assume Malik and Ryou live in the teacher residences as well? If they were roommates, I think Malik would have helped out with the papers. Ryou, you must have like a million fan clubs. Get used to it. XD
LadySunami chapter 3 . 6/26/2011
If Ryou doesn't like going to bars, how does Mai know who he is? I suppose she could know from talking to Malik... Also, now I'm wondering. Are Malik and Marik related somehow? They must have some relation if Malik is comfortable with stealing Marik's motorcycle. And it appears Touzoku knows absolutely everyone. Dang, that gym teacher gets around. ;)

Way to let slip that you're gay Malik dear. Not that it isn't obvious from the way you dress. *cough* And d*mn you can dance apparently. Not that I'm surprised. I'm definitely warming up to the idea of Bakura being a music teacher. His constant irritation at others lack of musical ability is endlessly amusing. Those guys are fortunate he decided to sing rather than gutting them.

Why oh why can't Bakura and Touzoku get along? The curse of being the same person 3000 years apart I suppose. Touzoku's response to Mai's kiss was absolutely priceless! So much for being a womanizer... Ehehehe. Okay, so maybe he could still be a womanizer. Just a very cute one.

Are Touzoku, Bakura, and Marik roommates or something? Marik said something about Touzoku singing in the shower, and it certainly seems like they could be. Malik and Ryou are also room/housemates if I'm not mistaken.
LadySunami chapter 2 . 6/26/2011
So many giggle fits this chapter. Why is the Romance/Drama? Humor should certainly be stuck in there somewhere! I love Touzoku forcefully carrying Bakura out of his office, and Bakura's comment about how stylish Touzoku looks as a ceiling fan ornament.

And Malik the lady killer indeed! D*mn that kid is pretty. It makes him all too fun to tease! Also, I love Ryou and Malik as friends! Angstshipping isn't really my thing, but as friends those two are so adorable. Oh Ryou, I think Malik is just high on life. No sugar necessary.

Touzoku the womanizer. Naturally. And Mai the waitress too! Yay for character cameos! 'Kura does have some brilliant snark doesn't he... With his social graces, it's no wonder he needs to be dragged from the office every Friday evening. Good grief! ;

Eating stake with chopsticks? Why would you do that voluntarily? Okay then... Bakura *is* practically a vampire. It's no wonder so many fanfics write him as one. Sorry Bakura, I don't think you can become immune to food poisoning.

And I guess Malik doesn't eat? Hmm.
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