Reviews for Behind Every Good Man Is A Good Woman
onaniebomb chapter 8 . 5/24/2013
One of my fave fics so far! I thought your stories were very well written and felt in character! Loved how it ranged from sweet to slight smut. Wish there were more!
wolfteam000 chapter 5 . 12/2/2012
Oh gosh, I love the part where you wrote about the first time when Yoruichi cried. I think both sides have a brilliant look about it. Yoruichi's happy but hurt at the same time and Urahara is so sweet awww
Emerald Gaze chapter 1 . 7/26/2012
this is amazing!
seriously you've managed to capture their personalities and interactions perfectly!
everytime i see them together it's totally obvious that they're doing some pretty intimate stuff behind the sceans
but i was never able to picture how exactly their personalities fit into that the right way
but you've managed to do that really well, i mean seriously this is awesome! _!
Kikan chapter 4 . 7/27/2011
Love rule #14

Silly kitty... 3
Kikan chapter 3 . 7/27/2011
I will never think of ice the same again ;)

twas a delightful chapter.
Kikan chapter 2 . 7/27/2011
Beautiful, I love rain and Kisuke. The image of those two together and how wonderfully writin this is makes me very happy. Thank you _
Lazy Gaga chapter 8 . 5/26/2011
This was lovely and hilarious all at once! LOVED IT ALL! Great job!
RarusuRinnu1310 chapter 8 . 1/18/2010
all 8 chapters were great This one in particular made me laugh xD thats such a...Kisuke thing to do! i can picture him using yoruichi as his experiments

Every chapter was excellent :) update soon! you do an amazing job of yoruichi/urahara!
Automailjunkie44 chapter 8 . 11/4/2008
poor Kisuke! hahaha great job it was really funny! :)
Moon's-Wing chapter 8 . 11/4/2008
OMG. I know I haven't reviewing much, but O.M.G. Yoruichi rocks. That was just... amazing. I thought she was gonna leave him strung up and hard for a second... And Kisuke, that dirty bastard! You're a genius with these two!
Hell's Angel-Heaven's Demon chapter 7 . 8/31/2008
I loved this fic! The moment you show are so cute and the way you depict Kisuke and Yoriuchi is so believable! I jsut wanted to know if every snapshot is independent for the other or if they are linked? Either way i hope you continue writing some more! ))

Ninja23 chapter 1 . 7/19/2008
Everything was just... awesome. It was well-paced, the battle execution was perfect, and they were very in character. I loved it!
Kuma-cchi chapter 7 . 7/18/2008
You're a genius, mate. I'm not disappointed. It was brilliant and solid. You have a steady pace. Good rhythm, nice use of language. I liked the ending too. Write more.
chemiskorpion0002 chapter 3 . 7/10/2008
oh! its hot in here! LOL

"I love it when you talk about how brilliant I am," i dont know whats wrong with me, but i was LOL at that line!
chemiskorpion0002 chapter 2 . 7/10/2008
god! urahara kisuke in the rain? one of the most lovely images i could ever imagine kisuke in... definitely sweet! i just loved it!
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