Reviews for Surreptitious Devotion
flowerkin chapter 13 . 3/19
I’m sorry you stopped writing this. It’s very interesting. Maybe someday you will find the way to come back to it. Thanks for sharing.
Delete-account-pleas-7737456 chapter 14 . 4/13/2016
I enjoyed reading this so far I look forward to when update again.
Amy chapter 14 . 12/28/2015 there any chance that this will be continued? Don't let some rude messages get in the way of This is a really nice fic and I like the way characters are shaping. But even if you don't continue it, this is still a great fic.

Guest chapter 14 . 5/29/2014
I've read this so many times, I wish you would have continued it.
Tracy O Shea chapter 14 . 10/11/2013
I really love this story and hope you will continue it. I love that Parker is so adorable in this!
Terri411 chapter 13 . 6/5/2013
Really you have more people that is with you then against you so come on back to FAN FICTION,we as YOUR READERS are waiting on you,you are a very good FF writer so come on back home (I love everything BONES) :-).
Terri411 chapter 14 . 6/5/2013
You really shouldn't care what people review about your stories,think of it this way they don't have the balls to put one up so what do they do be rude to the ones who does.I personally Loved this BONES ff here.I really hope you do continue this story soon it is really really great (I love everything BONES) thank you. :-)
Mei-Lin200 chapter 14 . 11/24/2012
Why anyone would give you nasty pms for writing this is beyond me! It's very good. I know its been well years but its always nice to get a surprising random review to let you know your still being read and I hope one day you choose to return and update especially after how the show has gone! Baby Christine is cute! Would be nice to find out the rest of how you think it would have swent had they been togeter from day 1 x
boothaddict77 chapter 14 . 11/11/2011

I wanted to leave this a PM but it seems you've disabled that feature.I didn't mean to bother you,but I just wanted to say I stumbled across this story the other day,and I thought it was incredible.I've stopped reading fanfiction in a(predictably unsuccessful)attempt to rid myself of this unhealthy Bones obsession that's followed me around for a few years now,but this came highly recommended from a friend-and once I got started,I couldn't seem to stop.I finished it at one go and quickly moved on to your other work-not before I'd reached the conclusion you are easily one of the best fanfic writers out writing captures the smaller nuances that make the show so absolutely...Bones,and you manage to stay in character so well that it's truly amazing.I wish I'd discovered this story sooner-preferably when the Bones verse was in turmoil for so long what with the recent*cough*blonde*cough* introducing the Booth-Brennan dynamic in an 'established relationship' storyline,and still managing to preserve it,stories like this only seem to enhance the strength of the bond between them,showing us that what they have is bigger than plotlines and work places and unresolved sexual tension,bigger even than them-in other words,this serves as a reminder of why we love Bones.

Well,atleast it seems as if the show versions of Booth and Brennan have finally caught up to their own reality-together-but a story like this could be just what we need to keep us going through the upcoming hiatus,and I have no doubt it'll keep a smile on our faces when the canon version fail to.I couldn't help noticing you hadn't updated in a while-I imagine you were left as disgruntled as all the rest of us Bones fans with the disaster that was season 6.I can't say I like how that unfolded,but hey,it's still *Bones*.And who cares what imbeciles they've been?They're having a baby :) It's like despite everything,the forces of the universe are conspiring to get them together.I mean,ED gets pregnant (with another David's baby:P)and now they've got to put it into the that,Hart that's not fate,I don't know what is.

What I'm trying to say is,they have something that's bigger than the writers,or any of the show's creators(Thank God)and you've managed to capture I really hope you continue writing,at some point.I can't blame you for stopping,the show hasn't been too inspiring it's back :) and looking as good as ...I hope you give it a shot.



P.S:I know I'm three and a half years or so late in offering,but I'd love to be your beta if you need the it just struck me you might have just shut this account down and moved to another site,so if you're operating under a new name I'd love to have who writes the way you do shouldn't stop for any reason.
aimz88 chapter 14 . 4/11/2011
man i was really getting in to this story! you should keep going !
McAliceKatePotterGHShield chapter 14 . 11/16/2010
LaVieBoheme76 chapter 14 . 6/10/2010
I would really love it if you would continue! This is definitely one of my favorite stories of Booth and Bones, I was so happy when I found it because I was looking for one where they had been together from the start. So pretty pretty please continue... I'll get you a puppy
Coke-lover chapter 14 . 3/19/2010
Don't let other ppl influence ur ideas- keep strong and show those rude ppl that whatever they're saying is wrong by keeping ur story strong! (:
rose-twilight82 chapter 14 . 2/8/2010
I really like this story - it explores a lovely what-if scenario that you've managed to make fit into canon exceptionally well, both in characterisation and in plot. I realise that you haven't updated for quite a while now but I was just rereading this story, and it is still highly enjoyable, and definitely worthy of being finished. So I would love to see more, and I hope that there will soon be more to see!
sweet psychologist chapter 10 . 8/17/2009
Love it, love it, Love it! Great idea re-writing episodes to make them the way all B&B fans know they should be.
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