Reviews for Beyond Temptation
jibunnomodake chapter 1 . 7/28
I can't believe my eyes! You're back! You have no idea how many times I read this story over and over. And I pray for updates
Please ignore rude and idiot people. We can always say "If you're not like then don't read"
This is an AU fanfiction and Sasuke is not OOC,story need that and i love him just the way he is.
And Sakura is perfect.
Ji Hyun1 chapter 1 . 7/26
Oh it's being rewritten! Though I already love the first version, I'm glad that you're back with this story! Thank you.
Please just ignore the rude comment down there. This story is so good the first version youve made and many of your readers enjoy and love this story!
Now I'm looking forward to this updated version. Thank you
Guest chapter 1 . 7/25
i read the review first before the plot, someone out there has rude comment about virgins but there's noting in this story refering sakura being virgin except the fact that she hates sasuke for his arrogance and feeling like king who could owe everything with simple snap of his fingers. its natural to be angry with someone regardless of their appearance. even whore can feel such emotions to those who squashing their right and remaining dignity. this plot maybe common but the author is still amazing.
lili87 chapter 1 . 7/24
I read it in its first version. Now I'm delighted you have brought it back in a slightly new version. Cannot wait for more
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24
o please! this is so goooood! another chapter please. you're great.
seibelle chapter 1 . 7/23
Is this being rewritten?
Ignore the rude comment. Each person has his/her own opinion and many have liked this through the years. I read this when I was a kid and I've always loved how you make us anticipate for the next update. Maddie is such a sweetheart. I hope to see more of her.
Guess chapter 1 . 7/23
This shit is so oc hahaha but well its typical of a cliche, I still don't know how this kind of dumb plot is so popular besides innocent pure Sakura is so old fashioned she's feisty asf, and what's more funny is the fact that many of the readers probably are virgins who are still waiting for an asshole to become romantic and left all the womans behind for this innocent and pure girl trope when all those men's do is laugh at you
18Andrew chapter 14 . 1/3/2019
Please continue
MightyChidori chapter 13 . 4/21/2018
I love this story! plz continue
Ji Hyun1 chapter 13 . 2/24/2018
Please update it's really sad that you haven't in a very long time. I love the sasusaku sweetness and I really enjoyed reading this. I'm looking forward for when Sasuke do the thing with Sakura. So please continue
maehnmilloroso chapter 13 . 1/9/2018
r u going to update or complete this story?
please do so. . .
Guest chapter 13 . 7/24/2017
Ahhhh I love this story and your writing. I really hope you update soon please but anyways hope your doing fine :)
Daffodil chapter 13 . 2/12/2017
oh yeah, the story was addicting! I love SS stories but when it comes to AU, I prefer plots like this, BTW I love the playful oh-so-hot-and-cool Sasuke meets the oh-so-beautiful-fierce-and-innocent Sakura.. The story was close to perfection if not perfect, and I love it.. Hope u'll be able to update the story D.A, I swear this was too good to just trash away...;D
ANURADHA MISHRA chapter 13 . 10/28/2016
this story is sensual.. i like it
sonjatheanimelover chapter 13 . 8/16/2016
Sigh...Sasuke and his perverted jokes. Anyway, ur story is really good! I love it! Please continue?
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