Reviews for A Sonnet: From Ralph to Jack From Good to Bad
Nae'ka chapter 1 . 5/14/2007
That is soo pretty! In... an... obsessive sadistic sort of way...


ANYWAYZ! Can I make a request? Will you have Jack reply to this? In the same format? That would be so awsome! Pretty please?

Deleted12.22.17 chapter 1 . 3/13/2007
OH i remember this form english! i absolutely loved this!

love you shawn!
momijikk chapter 1 . 3/1/2007
w00t! me like it! it's so...sickeningly sweet! ahh! XD

Mark of CTown chapter 1 . 2/26/2007
Wow! That was awesome! I loved you're rhyming! I never saw that movie, but I can see why your class loved it!
Cotoprius chapter 1 . 2/25/2007
Bravo! I've never seen "10 things I hate about you" but I have read LOTF. We read Lord of the Flies as a class and had to choose some type of project afterward. I chose to make a cd. But, after reading this now, and liking it, T_T I wish I had chosen something to work on that had more meaning. That showed I actually enoyed the book.

As for your sonnet, its Ralph. I really, really liked it.