Reviews for Checkmate
tyler chapter 1 . 7/14/2019
im surprised to find you aren't british. i did believe you were so i'm sure you are doing splendidly x
GrandCandyPeach chapter 41 . 9/11/2017
rip my heart out and stomp it into a pile of sizzling coals, why don't you? wonderful story, beautifully written and almost perfectly executed! i applaud you
Guest chapter 41 . 10/23/2016
This story is so amazing! It had me read it in in one go hahah. It left me really heartbroken. Draco taking the knight and harry thinking of chess before his death was soo wonderful. The story is extremely believable, the characters weren't ooc at all. It was just so sad,i feel really under the weather and it's all because of this story! Anyway you really did a good job! You are an amazing author! Thanks for sharing this story!3
DramaSpell chapter 1 . 7/25/2014
Hi I was wondering, as this is one of my favourite stories, if you could send me a pdf version of it, pretty please?
Nyala Kurta chapter 2 . 6/19/2014
Had I been there when Malfoy was being all sarcastic before that rudeness about Harry's bed, I would have said, "Cut the bullshit, Malfoy, before I hex you into next week."
runswithvamp chapter 41 . 11/8/2013
So. Good.
runswithvamp chapter 5 . 11/7/2013
I can't stand Hermione. Gaaaah she is so irritating. How can Harry be friends with her? She was practically torturing Draco and Harry did nothing! Urrg. Really love the story so far!
fan-freak121 chapter 2 . 7/3/2012
I'm liking this so far good job.
Bobette13 chapter 3 . 1/30/2012
hmm, yeah, the psychological ramifications of locking someone who's already scared and lost in a dark unknown space where they can't move an inch ... *wince*

(To Hermione and Harry:) I know he's your enemy of sorts, but think these things through dammit!
HarryDracoDizzy chapter 1 . 1/24/2012
I am sorry. I read up to chapter 35 but I can't continue. This head issue Harry has is giving me headaches. It just really depressing the way he treats hermione and Ron. Oh and he and Draco haven't seem to have gotten anywhere! I can't read anymore.

I did like the first few chapters though, so good job. I guess it's just the plot that didn't work for me.

sunneedee chapter 1 . 12/14/2011
good start so far :)
Lilgreyblob chapter 41 . 7/4/2011
This story is amazing! It makes me feel so heartbroken. Really well written and all the characters were themselves. The Draco and Harry pairing was seriously believable! It felt like it really could have happened. Even though I knew that the ending was going to be similar to this, reading it really is different. I'm so...touched right now. And sensitive. Hahah. This is one of the very few stories that worked well with an ending such as this one without being overkill. Congratulations on such an awesome story! I loved the ending...the letter, the memories-everything! I love what you did with Draco at the end. Brilliant. It saddens me that their relationship didn't go...mushy. LOL. I'm a sucker for fluff. But I guess it's better that way...I love the fights and arguments throughout the whole story. The ones with the main trio were super intense! It made my heart wrench every time someone had a fight. I love all the references to chess. I started teaching myself it, and currently failing, and the chess playing in this story was awesome. I love the scene at the end where Harry thinks of the chess game...and the knight. And the part where Draco takes the knight with him. That was so...symbolic. It was very cute! Oh man...I feel that I left so many things out of this comment...but dang, I think I'm starting to ramble. Hahah. Great job! You're a brilliant author...and I say that you did what every author strives to do. You really made me feel for the characters and for the story. This is definitely one of my favorite stories.

Thank you for posting so many chapters and for sharing this wonderful story with us!~
Sheri Contrary chapter 15 . 5/1/2011
Loved the Dungbombs line!

Harry should ask Draco if he's an Occlemens...and ask /him/ for lessons if he is.
Sheri Contrary chapter 12 . 5/1/2011
Funny that I nitpick on something that you obviously KNOW (chapter twelve title: Guilty Conscience) Sheesh! Don't you hate typos?
Sheri Contrary chapter 10 . 5/1/2011
As much of a dick that Malfoy is...I still feel sorry for him. *sigh*
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