Reviews for Terms of Engagement
bonessasan chapter 11 . 8/10/2012
I haven't been on this site in I can't even remember how long. Years and years ago SaitouTokio stories were definitely among my favorites to read (it's sad and almost horrifying that I'm far more familiar with the fanfiction based on the show rather than with the original show itself). As of writing this, I've read this story twice in less than a week. I've taken some amateurish stabs at writing myself and the writing isn't all that difficult for me, it's coming up with plot lines that's always bedeviled me. I think I may be a little jealous of you . . . ;)
Hitokiri Dark Angel chapter 12 . 2/27/2012
Alright, so I haven't bothered to right a message for every chapter, and I may go back and do that as of yet. First off, I think it is important to say that it has been an extremely long time since I've read a fan fiction that has grabbed my attention. You are a brilliant writer, and though I am partial to stories about Saitou and Tokio... you have completely blown their story out of the water with style. You are extremely talented, and I admire that you actually do research and learn things while writing. I love your tid bits of what you thought of the chapter as well as explaining things you have learned or things that are not commonly known to the reader. Thank you so much for your lovely writing! Your story was really inspiring and enjoyable, and you should never give up writing. And I don't think you read too much. XP

- Hitokiri Dark Angel
Farah.AshTree chapter 1 . 11/5/2011
You know, I actually read this story a long time ago and I just remembered about it again. So I started reading and realised why the story stuck with me after all this time. This story is simply genius :D

God, you portrayed Saitou perfectly to the nines. I hope you continue writing more or such wonderful fanfics!

Sincerely, your fan ;)
Anon chapter 5 . 12/24/2010
To readers: I highly recommend this story the action/comedy/romance fans out there.

Whereas most ficticious tokio's are crack based and paired off like Mary sues to a crack saitou, terms of engagement is witty, the plot makes you guess and twit like all good pieces should, and my favorite, the characters are consistent but still fallible and therefore human.

Personally I've been lurking round and browsing ffnet for years but this is one of the few stories that have really struck me and doesn't fail to make me laugh.

Anon chapter 3 . 12/24/2010
I don't think you Saitou is ooc. Your story is really really good. I always laugh at his grumblings about tokio the psuedo-horse. There are a couple of typos or missing words in this chapter, but they don't affect the flow or we get what you mean anyway. Always an entertaining read! I enjoy this story very much. ****
older and amused chapter 12 . 11/2/2009
i loved every minute of this :) i like the way you've done tokio's and saitou's characters, though the tokio i have in MY head is a bit different. :D excellent story :)
A Mistake chapter 12 . 7/13/2009
Wow, that is some level of background you note you give, kudos to you (I would be too scatterbrained to manage the same). You even provide details to the level of people shuffling things in and out of kimono/yukata sleeves, while watching too many anime has me took that as mostly given. Of course the footnotes just make me happier, I like a well-researched story more than anything.

Appreciate the part about sharpshooters and how they're too far away for Saito to notice. Very plausible lax defense on his part.

I like both Tokio and Saito's voice-she was as cunning as a fox and he was the resourceful Saito as always. Too bad I can't see more of Okita there, but we can't always get what we want...

Looking forward to see more of your works set in Meiji era.

(PS: Just wondering, I'm more used to seeing the battosai referred to as a hitokiri, but I'm wondering where you get the name used here though)
Alquawende chapter 11 . 5/11/2009
I'm really enjoying this story. Okita is the best. I love his whole personality. It's so sad to know he doesn't live long to have a peaceful life... Also, your version of Tokio is very well done. She's not too flawed or too perfect. She seems quite realistic in my opinion. Thanks for writing! By the way, the cultural notes, at the end, were a nice addition.
Ciela Aurelia chapter 11 . 2/9/2009
Absolutely delicious! It was very nice of you to write a story with such a well-researched background. I believe the mental picture of Saitou eating decorative flowers made me laugh the hardest..

It was a very enjoyable read.
Link Fangirl01 chapter 11 . 1/22/2009
nuh-uh, it has to be a real priest or it's null. Putting that aside...GREAT STORY! Kept me hooked until right to the end. Took me 3 stinking days to finish though... Thank you for not making the scenes graphic. And as weird as it sounds, thanks for making them married before that happened. I don't see that anymore.

It's nice to see a fic about Saito when he's so...hate-able in the manga. I was thinking of this fic while I reread vol. 9. :D
fic reader chapter 12 . 12/29/2008
A sequel? Wow! Thanks! Will go read now!
Leila Winters chapter 11 . 11/8/2008
What a fun story! I actually put off my studies reading this all afternoon...(and will now have to take the bus home in the dark at night...) But totally worth it, haha! If you plan on doing other fun things with the characters, I'll be much interested to see where you take them!
Leila Winters chapter 5 . 11/8/2008
I believe my favorite trait in your story is your tendency to give "Tokio" pleasant adjectives that mask the true nature of everyone's feelings, best exemplified by the line: "To think, this happiness could have been mine."

It's quite brilliant. Every instance you reference her as "delicate" or "lovely" or Saitou as the "adoring fiance," etc, it puts a smile on my face.

Good job. You build suspense and characters very well. Still reading, but look forward to the ride. (smiles)
Clarence Hikari chapter 11 . 10/9/2008
Very very nice... ) I really love this story, and I really like ur Tokio... it's very very good ) hopefully I get to see a sequel... I would really love to see a sequel to this )
Kyuuketsu Tsuki chapter 11 . 7/20/2008
saito, okita, tokio..they're so cute :3
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