Reviews for Bonds of Water
Lisiane chapter 21 . 8/29
Nice one
sarahsezlove chapter 21 . 9/8/2019
Beautifully done.
I couldn’t see it ending any other way.
Arya Morgana chapter 21 . 6/24/2019
Esta história é angustiante, melodiosa, encantadora , apaixonante, inesquecível...
Quinta vez que leio...
Tinha que revisar...
Guest chapter 1 . 5/31/2018
Don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but a bow is generally held in the right hand, the violin in the left. This is true for both right and left handed players. For the sake of drama, you may have allowed Snape to hold the violin in his left hand, and wand in the right...
HebrewShira chapter 1 . 4/23/2018
The ending was beautiful and haunting. I think that Snape succoming to his desires and forcing Harry into the water was the perfect twist on the classic happily ever after fairy tale.
TalonNoir chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
Loved it when I read it... Frustrated when I couldn't remember the title... Beyond happy to have the chance to read it again.
emthereble chapter 21 . 3/27/2017
love it!
lgbtlovechick chapter 1 . 4/11/2016
That was oddly depressing in its rather sweet and quite cute way. It's like there were no suprises because you told us what was going to happen but it still managed to jerk tears and cause a lump in my throat even tHoughton i knew there was no way for it to wor iUT the way we all were secretly hoping it would. Great story! Nice ending I like that you didn't make it happy go lucky everything is perfect ending because that would have ruined the intense emotion if the story. Great job!
Fenris Jin chapter 21 . 10/21/2015
It's Ron's fault.. The enabler friend. First he allowed Harry to entice Severus into a binding, and then challenges the man's Nix sensibilities into dragging said man's lover to the depths of his lake. Nixes are possessive after all.. xD

I love Draco and his attachment to family. I always appreciated that Malfoy trait.

This was a lovely read. I enjoyed it very much. :P
marthapreston4 chapter 15 . 12/22/2014
Okay I think you warn people that this is slash between the two for people who are creeped out by a grown man sleeping with a teenager . Gay or straight I dont care the whole I was in love with your mom and I almost became your father but I cant now sleep with me thing is just creepy
darkdranzer chapter 21 . 10/8/2014
huh. must say that was an a unexpected ending but it fits :D
darkdranzer chapter 11 . 10/8/2014
ugghhh i want to smack harry here. how old is he even. cant stand his blaming other people for his own stupidity. enjoying story so far tho :D
ntalcenent chapter 21 . 7/6/2014
Bow to the awesomeness of your story telling - this belongs in a special category.
CharmedArtist chapter 21 . 4/6/2014
*sighs* This was so... Beautiful, and so bittersweet. They can't play the violin together anymore, can they? Could they not have gone off and lived on the land until Severus needed to return to the lake, then both descended to the depths and stayed there? Beautiful, haunting story :)
Sweetdoggie chapter 21 . 3/25/2014
I ran across this story several years ago and couldn't get it out of my head-well, except the title and author, of course. The story really touched me and I enjoyed it very much. It stuck in my head for years (and let me tell you, that's an accomplishment as I'm actually lucky to find my way home every day!) I was reading through Favorites Tracker and stumbled on it again. I've double bookmarked it now. Hopefully, I won't lose it again. Thanks so much for sharing your work.
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