Reviews for In New York
Roshanna chapter 13 . 9/28/2009
Oh man, this was such epic shit, Sophie. I am so impressed. Now I have to go read all of your other stuff and that means that I'll never get my homework done!

P.S. Way to be a Smithie, getting the views of women in there.
Cowboy Superhero chapter 13 . 3/12/2009
Masterful. Purely and simply masterful. Can't wait to read another story by you!
hils too lazy to login chapter 13 . 3/17/2008
He. I was re-reading this in honor of the day.

As I tell you like every time we talk (stop me if the gushing gets redundant), god, the way you write. So gorgeous. The rawness, the way you describe the characters and the way every word is precise, not fluff, there for a purpose. Nobody in this story messes around. And god, Kill...**GUH** He kills me dead. I still get weepy for Spot 'round the end; his sadness is straight up tangible. But he's right-it's not the city, it's the people who think they can make it their own.

I...just...guh. Gorgeous.
Harmony Remarc chapter 3 . 8/2/2007
Good descriptions of Spot’s pain at the beginning. Loved the bit about deserved adoration. And I really like Hollis… his determination for justice makes him an endearing character to root for against Cruel Spot.

And I love the bit about the “uncanny nose for trouble”. I can’t wait to read the next chapter. It is so tempting to skip reviewing and just read… but that’s hardly fair to you.
Harmony Remarc chapter 2 . 8/2/2007
Loved how you gave a historical description about the ferry docks.

I’ve always perceived Spot as a cold character, but he is harsh. Cruel. Dare I say… evil? Cold isn’t even the right word for my old assessments. He used to be tough, but this is heart stopping Cold.

But his way of stepping up on the platform and taking charge for the official “who still thought things were run constitutionally”? This is good.
Harmony Remarc chapter 1 . 8/2/2007
Good introduction. (Let’s just get this straight that I’m thrilled I’m getting started after this is already completed so I don’t get impatient for the next chapter J) It’s really getting me set up for the story, knowing Spot is refusing to be a kid anymore. He’s turning his back on his past, setting himself free of his old identity.

I love how you threw in the word “conflagration”, too. And connecting fics with Spot loving the bridge… I’m impressed.
kryscrossed chapter 13 . 8/1/2007
Okay, so I guess I'll do this a bit stream of consiousy...

It's been said before, and it'll be said again: Kill is total love.

Spot is perfect in his badassyness (is so a word.)

Mary was a great character, the way you wrote her was so real.

Love the twists and turns and use of politics and Tammany hall, which if you ask me was simply fascinating at the turn of the century. Tammany Hall was pretty freaking bassackwards.

Actaully... all your characterizations are amazing. I love them all. Each and every character was their own person, which may sound stupid, but it's actually not that easy to acheive. Lots of writers fall into a pattern of writing the same character over and over again.

And the plot? Simply brilliant. And then some. So, all in all, fantastic job. I definitely can't wait to read more from you.

kryscrossed chapter 1 . 8/1/2007
Aren't you excited? Because I'm totally going to review every chapter now. Yay!

Moving right along...

I absolutely love your way with description. "The organ grinder's breath hung like white garlands in the air." Simply lovely.

Spot's thought's on the Bridge are fantastic. It's something I haven't seen in the fandom before (which is always extremely refreshing in this particular fandom) and it's definitely something I can see Spot thinking.

So, for the first chapter... excellent job.
Scratch O'Brien chapter 13 . 7/25/2007
I really liked the line "Spot wondered, with his back pressed to one of the arches in the center of the bridge, if the color had been bled from the world, or if it was just his eyes that couldn’t see the different shades."

Pretty good stuff :)
Scratch O'Brien chapter 12 . 7/25/2007
And around... and around... and around...
Scratch O'Brien chapter 11 . 7/25/2007
Sadness! But really really good.
Scratch O'Brien chapter 10 . 7/25/2007
Wow. i love how totally nonchalaant that was.
Scratch O'Brien chapter 9 . 7/25/2007
Aww... that's sad. But I like it :)
Scratch O'Brien chapter 8 . 7/25/2007
I love how this story shows the true grit of life in new York City back then.
Scratch O'Brien chapter 7 . 7/25/2007
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