Reviews for Chibi Wufei
nequam-tenshi chapter 11 . 12/26/2011
A hilerious story! Will you update or continue this story? It's been exactly four years since you have done so.

Happy Holidays!
Ferin J. Raten from Menewsha chapter 11 . 4/27/2010
This is a really good story! I love how you portrayed everyone including Chibi Wufei whim bybthe way is so darling! Despite the OOC ness (I think) and some minoristakes this stoy was executed wonderfully, I hope you update on it soon because I'm dying to know what happens next and in the end.

By the way, I have one question I found this story throught the Trowa x Wufei filter searching for romance fics on them. Do they actually pair up in the end?

Good Going! I hope you write more!

Ferin J. Raten
kidishcaresh chapter 11 . 11/5/2009
I demand that you come back right now and finish this story!
devilburns chapter 11 . 11/15/2008
hahaha, oh god i love this story, so can't wait for more, please say there more, its so cute!
Nocturnia Dawn chapter 1 . 4/11/2008
Okay, this seems like a great story (only read reviews, and the first paragraph. .;)

However, your grammar is a bit off, even with a beta.

You have both present and past tenses in a single sentence, which makes it hard to read, as well as numerous typos.

I understand that English isn't your native language, but there are a couple of grammatic rules to be considered when writing a story.

For example:

Instead of:

"Wufei was stuck. Damn his honour philosophy. Swallowing hard, he slowly picks up his spoon and dug out the contents of the soup. Few more bubbles popped. A bead of sweat rolled down from his forehead. His hand was shaking lightly. He closed his eyes and takes a deep breath while praying to his ancestors above for blessing for his health. Exhaling his breath, he opened his eyes to look at the spoon of soup again. His back of his mind was screaming but his honour would now allow him to cower. With the count of three, he quickly hold his breath and shoved the spoon in his mouth with his eyes squeezed shut."

It could be:

"Wufei was stuck. Damn his honor philosophy. Swallowing hard, he slowly picked up his spoon and dug out the contents of the soup. A few more bubbles popped. A bead of sweat rolled down from his forehead. His hand was shaking lightly. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and prayed to his ancestors above for blessing for his health. Releasing his breath, he opened his eyes to glance at the spoon of soup again. The back of his mind was screaming at him but his honor would not allow him to cower. At the count of three, he quickly held his breath and shoved the spoon in his mouth with his eyes squeezed shut."

Meh... hard choice of paragraphs...

Well, you have typos. Some sentence structures could be worked on. Some sentences... just don't work. ._.;;

(On a random note, if you'd like me to help beta it, I'd be happy to help out and make it a more understandable fic. It is kinda hard to read...)

o.o Nearly non-existent commas, ya?

Please don't take this as a flame.

It's meant as constructive criticism. :3
shogi chapter 11 . 1/27/2008
OMG! This has to be one of the most hilarious stories I've read lately! It's AWESOME! Quickly I want to know what Q-man's plan was! And chibi Wufei is SO CUTE! I want him! LOL Please update soon!
Vitanie Tora chapter 11 . 12/27/2007
Oh chibi Fei is so cute (graps him into a huge bear hug) I always knew Fei was a cutie but this is almost too much (here's some cookies for the cutie) Please update again soon, I want to see what's going to happen with Heero and I want to see more of my cutie Fei of course, until later

SylverWing chapter 11 . 12/27/2007
AW I love that chapter, so funny, hey what took you so long to update? chapter 9 . 7/25/2007
Can't wait for the new chapter!

Kitty Lee Mew chapter 10 . 5/26/2007
"Hey! I love, keep up the great work!"
Jane Austen Girl chapter 10 . 5/22/2007
Uh oh... Heero's in trouble! It amuses me that both Duo and Heero seem to have intimate relationships with digital machinery.
SylverWing chapter 10 . 5/21/2007
OH wow .. i really ant wait for the next chappy ... wow... poor heero is gonna need all the help he can get ... and poor little wu-fie... he is gonna be scared for life-.-''

and great job on the who duo quater capture... i loved it ... left left left... RIGHT ! lol keep up the great work hope to see a new on soon
Vitanie Tora chapter 10 . 5/21/2007
Oh feel bad for Heero he has Duo the prackster, Quatre the stratagest, and the cutest chibi Fei-fei all gaining up on him. He doesn't know what he's in for. Can't wait to see how this mission ends. Please update quickly, until later

ZD87 chapter 10 . 5/20/2007
I loved the whole chapter, I cant wait to see what happens next.

Oh and thank you for sending me that e-mail. _
Tina-Chan 0 chapter 10 . 5/19/2007
this fic is too wonderful and I want to read more.

I love too much this fic and each update is too special

Thank you for to be who you are

You are the perfect writer a perfect story

I loved each word that you wrote and I have sure that I will love much more...

Thank you so much

Kisses and Hugs


I just wanted to say HI!











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