Reviews for Strangers
SorainaSkye chapter 1 . 3/31/2008
I really like this idea. I totally agree- I don't think Cloud would have forgiven Tifa right away. Maybe it's some deleted scene from the game... )

Nice job!
Mr. Ite chapter 1 . 7/1/2007
Ouch! Honestly, I don't think jealousy had anything to do with Tifa's motivation - she was just as confused as Cloud in regards to who he was. While I do prefer the Clorith pairing, Tifa is one of my favourite all-time characters and I don't think you did her justice. Don't get swept away - just because a fic is anti-Cloti, doesn't necessarily make it anti-Tifa.
lilmione chapter 1 . 2/18/2007
I totally agree that Cloud should have been mad at her. Everyone always forgets that Tifa deliberately LIED to him, even when he was starting to spaz out about things. Oh and I loved your comment about him and Tifa sleeping together under the Highwind. Like that would ever happen...especially not the VII that I played.
Anna Strife0211 chapter 1 . 2/15/2007
Love your fic! Its so good, i was wondering if you could let me translate it to spanish, but if you dont want to ill understand.

See ya and take care
Alekos Vahen chapter 1 . 2/11/2007
Ouch XD that was brutal. But it makes sense. Good job.