Reviews for Slave to Your Heart
Darffiarr chapter 1 . 3/31
hello again:) I'm sorry i didn't log in to my account bcs it said i can't post 2 review for 1 chap.i know it's already 2020 and i dont know if you'll read this or not,but if you read this pls upload the story back bcs i'm still waiting:)
lots of love:)
- darf
FalconRukichi chapter 1 . 10/20/2019
We'll waiting you~
Passerby chapter 1 . 2/7/2019
I was disappointed my re-reading plan go down the drain after realizing that you took down your stories, but got very eager and excited to know there is a chance to read them since you are improving (maybe reconstructing too?) the chapters. I hope it is going smoothly and turn out as what you have desired. Just know that we are waiting here :)
Darffiarr chapter 1 . 7/1/2018
I'll wait for this story :)
Darffiarr chapter 4 . 4/13/2018
Where is chapter 4? It's chapter 1 inside chapter 4
icysweet34 chapter 7 . 8/17/2017
I have seen the foreshadowing yoi have forecasted, but it was still quite shocking when it was revealed. Your narration was great, but sone details don't always fit with each other. I reviewed the past chapters. Do be more careful
PegasusInCage chapter 17 . 8/15/2017
Actually I'm a bit disappoint with the ending... it's lack of AsuCaga moments! LOL
To be honest I was not pleasant with the sex parts.. first when AsuCaga's first was not in the properly place! I just still can't imagine it how Athrun took 'Cagalli there! And it's the only part that you explained clearly.. I'm disappointed LOL The second one was.. I hardly imagine Cagalli's child had sex with unfamiliar person *to me* If I'm not mistaken I think when Noa 3 years old Ai was 16? Or did i mistook some things?
From the four children I love Millan the most! I already love him from the first time he was born! But I disappoint with his eyes! Thanks for the great work! Although sometimes I didn't understand some parts especially when the flashback parts, sometimes it's confusing.. *I didn't know if it's because of my lack vocabularies or what* but your work was great ! Really ! *I hope you understand my worst English btwThanks again
pchop chapter 6 . 7/29/2017
Hello, I know this is an older story, but I've been craving some AsuCaga (considering I've just finished my pen fix) and stumbled upon yours. Just wanted you to know that I'm enjoying it so far!
wk chapter 17 . 7/2/2017
Well I congratulate you for finishing your story after ten years. It is wonderful that you did as the story totally turn far from what I imagine at where it was stopped years ago.

Umm from what I gather, Lenore is like 10-15 years junior of Ai? Other opinions for this last chapter, not enough Asucaga? XD It is nice that you wrote their story way towards the future as well and it was imaginable. Beyond that, your stories seems to always focuses on Athrun it feels and Cagalli is at the distant but central. And always regal as ever ;) And no, athrun doesn't deserve to always play around first and then settles with Cags that not necessary hahah. I do like your referencing to your world and the symbolism to things e.g. sword.

Haha i did thought of milliardo from Millian name. In fact, GWing is my all time fav anime then follow by Seed. HxR and AxC will always be my forever fav two OTP.

I look forward to your next story! You are certainly one of the better quality story writers of the axc fandom. I find there are better writers in the Wing world than Seed so thanks for writing in the Seed world. I like your genre too. Once again, great stuff for completing it.
Dinah chapter 16 . 6/30/2017
When I said Id moon over chap 16, it really takes time and a whole lot of re-reading and effort for me to get over it. Heck I am still obsessed with it. Their love is so passionate that it moves me. And I love that they are so devoted to one another, proving it in small gestures such as when Cagalli kisses Athrun's gash and Athrun kissed her knuckle in the previous story becomes more enthralling with the additional details of Ahmed storyline. The timeskips are pieced together so well that they effectively fill in the plothole. I am scared to move from this chapter knowing that the epilogue will mark the end of this story. I really look forward to reading your next Athrun Cagalli stories and wish that they will become as brilliant as if not better than Slave to Tour Heart.
Lieluvspie chapter 17 . 6/30/2017
This is beautiful. I hope you will still write beautiful stories love. Waiting for your next fanfic
Guest chapter 15 . 6/18/2017
You make me sooo happy! I really love that they never stop to fulfill their social responsibilities after building a family together. Although knowing that the obligations require huge amount of sacrifices from the both of them they just couldnt give way and this just screams wonderful leaders. In all my honesty, your depiction of romance for Athrun Cagalli is the best romance from all the AC stories Ive read. You have successfully captured the nature of their relationship in this great chapter. I believe a lasting romance is built on embracing each other's flaws and recognize one's strength and you did just that. Bravo to you! Now I will go and read and moon over chap 16.
Lieluvspie chapter 16 . 6/18/2017
Finally the happy ending I deserved *applause* I cant help but agree with you that they were always meant to be together because they had the same ideals. Its like an understanding that they would always end up with eachother despite the political status and demons of their past. The hug on the GSD final ep says it all, though I admit the asucaga ending was a bit hazy,It didnt give a concrete proof that they would end up together. would it be so bad to see the proof of their love?! That's why I like this story .. them having kids is a fangirl's dream. I loved it. Waiting for the epilogue
A chapter 15 . 6/15/2017
This chapter was really great! I love it! Please update soon!
wk chapter 15 . 6/14/2017
yes, i'm very grateful that you continue the story as I couldn't see where it could span of to from where you left it years ago. I am still waiting to hear the back story of how Cagalli wound up at the start of the story. I guess the next update will lead to it. '
It's great reading more medieval style writing, a genre I like and i continue to stick with reading it!
thanks again!
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