Reviews for A Parody of Character
Falero lero lero chapter 8 . 6/5/2013
I like your parody.
Binks chapter 8 . 11/10/2012
I know this is a very old post but I found it by accident today. I'm sorry I'll never see how the story ends. :/
I've never read fan fiction per-say. I've met people who write it, so I don't want to read their thoughts! I wouldn't class this as fan fiction though.
It was a funny read so thanks for the laugh. In my head, it ends with the bursar writing things in such a way that the MarySues end up back home in full realisation of what they really are, like they'd drunk Klatchian coffee, and are committed to some sort of Convention Hell possibly, like making the arrangements but never meeting the authors - I don't know what happens at conventions. I refuse to go at every opportunity but my mates have told me stories... My friends, some of whom play the characters in the movies or on TV depending which of those shows in the story you're thinking of, have told me what they think of conventions; so I've stayed away. And yes, I am talking about certain actors who played prominent characters in those stories - they were all main characters. No, I won't say which ones. I think a couple of them would find this amusing by the way. I'll pass it on even if there's no ending - but opening up your story to popular choice for the ending isn't good so maybe it's best left alone (or you could make it into a full story, with ending, when you're older).
As far as I'm concerned, Terry Pratchett ends up with the DiscWorld firmly attached to his brain so noone else can change the DiscWorld again. And fortunately, at least one DiscWorld universe remains unsullied because of multiverse theory.
I would like to tell you which of my friends would enjoy this but, just take it from me, they enjoyed this. If you know your actors and think about WHO you wrote about, you might work it out. I sort of wish you'd given me more ammunition about one of them. :)
Wish I could have seen the end of this story. A couple of people who were in the TV DiscWorld may hear of it since I'm in a good mood - especially if there is an ending somewhere AND its good.
Keep writing and maybe you'll be sitting scared of the people who want your signature in a room crammed with MarySues one day too. I hope you do keep writing because you'll get better. I realise your story was off the cuff but put some construction in and you'll be worth publishing. I'll be watching out for you.
I'm rarely impressed, and I hope to see an improved story find its way to me one day.
Good luck.
Vaneria Potter chapter 7 . 4/15/2012
Claire 1

She seems more of an accidental Mary-Sue, and seems to have learned her lesson, reducing her to hardcore fangirl.

Sarah 2

Still a Mary-Sue, but redeemable. Will probably work to improve as a fanwriter... when they get out of the dungeons, anyway.

Michelle 3

And I want a seat with a good view.


Seriously, if Vetinari or Vimes have a blinding, all-encompassing love, then it is for Anhk-Morpork.

Sam/Sybil is my favourite pairing after Carrot/Angua, and Havelock/Marglotta is a guilty pleasure, but all three men, the city and their duty to it come first.
Jennistar1 chapter 8 . 8/2/2009
Just want to say, this is CLASSIC! I have never laughed so much in my life - thanks for writing!
granular chapter 8 . 4/7/2008
Why is your story so funny?
Gogol chapter 8 . 2/18/2008
Michelle should be treated to a free educational course on scorpions.

Sarah should be escorted back to the Roundworld.

Steve and Claire should escape from the party that is being escorted back to the Roundworld, because this needs to have a sequel. YES.
Shandathe chapter 7 . 11/1/2007
Great story. Poor Vetinari. I vote to do #3.
celticfox chapter 7 . 10/3/2007
Michelle should get horribly tortured and executed in Sator Square.

Sarah should be escorted back to Roundworld under armed guard.

Steven should be let go, because really, he didn't do anything.

Claire should escape, regain her Sue powers, and hide out in the Ramtops, plotting revenge.
GuesssWho chapter 7 . 9/1/2007
I don't care about the other two, but the bitch who has never read anything and likes bad crossovers should die!

Continue, please?
Lillz chapter 8 . 8/29/2007
umm, was there ever a chapter 8? only, i was really looking forward to reading what happened to all the M.S's but.. .. nothing :( *sniffles*

but anyway! this story has had me creasing up! i simply cannot imagine Vetinari drooling over some 15 year old fangirl, but attempting to picture it has been a hilarious attempt at mental exercise!

excellent stuff! i really, really hope you finish this one day
shinealightonme chapter 7 . 7/3/2007
Ah, snap. This story is bloody brilliant. I can't stop giggling...please finish it! It blows my mind, and I especially love the wizards' fanfics about our world. And Legolas stressing...every...syllable. And the atrocious dialogue...just everything about this story is awesome.

Michelle's the only one who really deserves some horrible fate...maybe not death or torture, dunno, she could be trapped in Discworld but it would be her NIGHTMARE and not her dream story, like they make her the scullery maid and everyone hates her, or she has to marry Nobby or something. The others are pretty cool, especially Steve and Claire (well, before Michelle fried Steve's brains). I think Steve and Drumknott would be an awesome couple, actually, altho it's probably just best if the Mary Sues all get shipped back to Roundworld.

I would like to take a moment to say, I don't know how any Sarah Coopers, etc. feel about things, but I personally feel the need to defend the fine name of "moonshine". It's not just about the sappy teen girls, after all; there's also bootleg liquor and Irish pub songs. XD Tho every time someone called Sarah "Ms. Moonshine" I just laughed my ass off.
Silindistani chapter 7 . 6/18/2007
Great story!

Quite simple, Id say: Kill Michelle and 2) for the others. But let Vetinari kill her, everything else would be OOC...
Quasiness chapter 3 . 6/6/2007
"Harry sighed and clutched his hands to what would’ve been, if it were not for a few chance chromosomes, his bosom. "

Ever read Count of Monte Cristo? It actually uses the word 'bosom' several times about men...0.o

Just thought I'd mention it.
Blanky McNobrain chapter 1 . 3/27/2007
Show mercy on poor Steve. As for Das Uber Sue, toss her at any point into DBZ country. M, incineration.
Magicflute chapter 8 . 3/9/2007
Gods the poor Legolas. Tar and fire? Aw he did not deserve that... wonderful and WHEN will we get the next update here?
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