Reviews for Team Possible Inc Recruiting and Recovery
LTAOZFAN chapter 4 . 12/22/2007
"If you'll give me your attention, I will tell you what I am; I'm a G & S enthusiast, most other kinds are sham."

(From King Gama's song in the Gilbert & Sullivan comic opera "Princess Ida" - with variations.)

I only came to read this chapter yesterday, and I HAVE to make a comment! Major General Gilbert Sullivan is a wonderful name. Am I correct in assuming that his middle initial is 'N.'?

At the same time, I am thoroughly enjoying the 'Team Impossible, Inc.' series. Once the holidays are past, sir, Please Keep Writing! (Patented Puppy Dog Pout, a la Kim Possible.)


"Them's my views, amen, so be it."

"Treasure Island," by R. L. Stevenson
aedan cameron chapter 9 . 9/12/2007
You had a nice cliffie on Chp. 7 leading to the action scenes. It was a nice touch having Ron face Monkey Fist in the spritual realm. After all Thai Sing Pek Kwar is half mental.. I was a little disappointed to see Chippy helping out Monkey Fist again, it was nice to see he didn't throw Ron's friendship away after all. I hope that he remains part of Ron's team. Well, it's onto the next story for me!

Thanks for the great story!

aedan cameron chapter 6 . 9/12/2007
"Rufus even managed to deal with almost all of the weeds permanently, except for the Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy and Naked is NOT a fun combination." This made me laugh out loud. Nice line.

Isn't it great how Ron knows just how to cheer someone up? It's a great quality.

As far as the length goes.. The chapters are not too long. IMHO a good chapter is anywhere between 20 and 80 words. You want to have enough for the reader to chew on, but you don't want it to be so much that they forget what they read at the beginning of the chapter. This is of course subject to opinion.

Happy writing!

aedan cameron chapter 5 . 9/12/2007
In the following sentences you went from past tense (in most of the rest of the chapter) to present tense.

Hanging up their receivers, James announces “Possible family meeting!” Meanwhile, Anne pulls her twin sons away from their latest attempt at cold fusion and leads them into the den.

It stands out as wrong as it doesn't match the rest of the chapter. It would have worked better as:

James and Anne hung up their recievers as James announced, "Possible family meeting!" Anne pulled her twin sons away from their latest attempt at cold fusion and led them into the den.

I have to say I am curious how the character interactions are going to play out. Monique seems ready to throw down with Yori already and Yori seems to have a bit of resentment towards Kim and Ron's relationship. Nice plotline you have going here. It does seem a little rushed though, but you seem to realize that from what I read in your author's notes. Speaking of author's notes, welcome to the fantastic world of writing yourself into a corner. I do it on purpose some times to get myself to write abotu things that I struggle with.

Thanks for another great chapter!

aedan cameron chapter 3 . 9/12/2007
Nice introspective chapter reminicsent of your fic "After Action. Ron is healing great, thanks to his MMP. I gotta get me some of that for my shoulder! He seems to be upbeat, but you can tell he's tramatized since he won't even use the word Senior. Another nice addition to the story.

aedan cameron chapter 2 . 9/11/2007
I am most impressed, not so much by the writing, which was great, but by the Author's note at the end. I would like to say that it is common sense, but we've all scene the videos of people fending off a knife weilding robber with a fire extinguisher. If the robber was competant in the use of his weapon and cold enough to punish such an attempt the person would be dead. So I believe it was good to mention it in where you did.

As for the chapter. I am looking forward to the rest of the story! Including Tara AND Monique is outstanding. I especially am interested to see what you line up for Monique as she is generally ignored, or plays a minor part in Fan Ficiton. Overall this was a good chapter, not as interesting as the first, but a good building chapter. I think what made it less interesting was the conversation between Tara and Monique. I know that it was necessary to show the two of them bonding, but the excessive use of acronyms detracted from the conversation. I know that it is one of Monique's mannerisms, but it was just a tad overdone.

I do think that perhaps one of the reasons Ron's parents allowed the move to the Possibles is because Mrs. Stoppable is preggers. If S comes looking for Ron, it's best that he look elsewhere.

Thanks for another great chappie!

aedan cameron chapter 1 . 9/11/2007
I loved the description you gave of Kim in the opening sequence. You can truely tell that Ron is head over heels in loves with her just by his mind's description of her. And later you confirm it when you tell of Middleton's claim to hot babe fame. At least those painkillers are giving him good dreams!

zardoz101 chapter 1 . 7/4/2007
A very well written first chapter. Nothing overboard in the sex department that I can see. Keep up the great work.
Sir Sebastian chapter 9 . 6/10/2007
Great action sequences. Brilliant similes. The MMP scene was simply stunning.

The occasional use of the present tense was a little strange.

An excellent piece.
Sir Sebastian chapter 6 . 6/10/2007
Ron's role goes deeper than just being the distraction. He's the heart, the spirit, the booster of morale. But who does the helper turn to for help?
Sir Sebastian chapter 5 . 6/10/2007
Nothing quite ruins a trip like misplaced luggage.

I wonder if Monique is as inventive in other areas, as she is with dealing punishment..

Ooh, first mission. With this group going in, Amy won't know what hit her.
Sir Sebastian chapter 4 . 6/10/2007
Isn't that just like those darn politicians. Bonnie'll definitely be having a Possible overload. They'll be running around like plot bunnies.
Sir Sebastian chapter 3 . 6/10/2007
Hmm.. I wonder why .P had the twins get out the house...? :) And more nice visuals. Ron's gotta be eager to try out the tub with Kim when the rents are out.
Sir Sebastian chapter 2 . 6/10/2007
"Club Banana, our clothes have appeal." LOL!

Mind? MIND? Damn, I want MORE! Loved the descriptions of the swimsuits..
Sir Sebastian chapter 1 . 6/10/2007
Nice. I loved the dream sequence, for obvious reasons..

So Mrs. Stoppable is pregnant? Good for her. And someone noticed the resemblance of Middleton High and a fashion ad (or Beverly Hills High).

Kim's slip-up was priceless.
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