Reviews for As I Fall
irishmacaroon chapter 59 . 8/5

This is Joaquim.

I am actually so happy that you posted a new chapter today. I have actually been debating thoroughly with myself the past few days. I wanted to reach out to you, to let you know how much you have inspired me. How you have provided me an outlet to confront myself. To look at myself in the mirror and to try to better understand myself. How can I convey that in words? Perhaps I cannot. I have decided to create an account on this site and to write my own story, thanks to you.

I was really touched that you took the time to respond to my two posts. I have one point that I feel is very important to respond to. I know, in having read your notes throughout the chapters, that you were not shy about your struggles and how taxing life has been at times for you. Perhaps it is a cliche, but I can only commend you for your ability to survive and to remain. To add more cliches would, to me, feel disingenuous, so I will choose to not add anymore.

Again, I feel as though I have much more to say, but I am struggling to convey my thoughts and feelings.

And perhaps it is too forward of me, and we do not know each other in hardly any way, but I would love to just chat. To ask for tips and advice. To ask about how to stick with a project, an idea. For how to create an overall plot, an idea.

And, if I wasn't too forward and potentially rude in the previous paragraph, I might reach that point in this one. I would be honored if you were to read the first chapter of my story.

I have let this review sit for a while and I am debating how appropriate it is of me to post what I have written above. It feels dirty, cheap and rude. But it is also honest. And to be honest with myself is sometimes difficult. And ugly. I do not know. What else can I say? As inappropriate as it may be, I would love to hear from you. Even to call me out on my behavior, perhaps this is an important opportunity for me to grow. To learn.

I hope you have a great rest of your day. Thanks again.
Joaquim chapter 58 . 7/7
And so now I have caught up to the present. Somehow, the time between my other post and this one has been perhaps cause for even more emotion. I don't imagine I have too much more to add, compared with my other review from 9 chapters ago. I want to once again state how interesting it is to me to have been able to travel through 13 years in less than 4 months. I can't begin to imagine everything that has gone on in those 13 years in your life. Things that have influenced the plot, influenced your own personal views of the world, of how this story reflects your views of the world and how you must have evolved in some ways, numerous ways. To grow. And I also am struggling now to convey what I feel inside, how to explain how I feel I have grown through this story, in those short 4 months. I wish I could get the words out that I am struggling to put into thoughts in my own head. But I trust that you can at least imagine some of what I've tried to get out, in the other review and in this one. And I wish for success for you in the future, however you seek to define success for yourself.

Depending on how many chapters remain, I may review again, but I also do not want to overextend nor bother. Thank you again for creating this story, and sticking with it for 13 years. I'm sure there is more I wish to say, but I can't come up with any more right now. Thanks again.
farowsfury chapter 58 . 6/27
That was awsome thank you for updating, looking forward to the next part. Also for whatever reason ryou's dad Is Anthony Head in my head.
Joaquim chapter 49 . 6/21

I'm not sure what I want to say. I began this story in March, and have come a long way in a short time. It's been very surreal to me. To read this story is not only to read a story, but also to experience your life, multiple years of your life, in the periphery. I say this because, while I am not sure what year it is in chapter 49, I feel I am close to the present. And nearly 13 years of your life has passed in the periphery of this story. Influencing your writing, and also providing a glimpse into the past and allowing me to travel in that space alongside. Like I said, it is a surreal feeling, one that I had not experienced in March but developed in the past few weeks.

I had not originally planned to review this story at all. But, seeing your decision to make this your final story on this website has compelled me to give my opinion and feelings.

I began this story in March because I am but a gay man in love with Bakura. I had run out of other media to occupy my time, so I sought out a story to satisfy me. This story has fulfilled that desire and then some. I have become completely immersed in this story, this presentation of the characters. I applaud you for your writing skill and commend you for spending many years of your life writing this story. The character development and the plot are amazing. And, as you stated, writing two stories in one, the past and present, provide unique world and character building.

I do not have much more to say except thank you. Thank you for writing this story, one that has been a powerful experience in my recent life. I am looking forward to finishing what has currently been written and for finishing the story when the time comes. I am unsure if you will see this and/or respond to this post at any time in the future, but if you do happen to read this, I hope that I have conveyed my feelings in a comprehensible way.

Thanks again.
AnimangaLoverFE chapter 57 . 6/20
For chapter 58 (bc I already reviewed but wanted to add some things) :
I hope you're feeling better! Mental health is so volatile at times and anything can affect it. I'm sorry for you having to go through that. I don't know if you remember me but sorry for not reviewing for some time now. For quite some time actually. I haven't been to this site for quite a long time due to personal reasons and studies! But I'm back and I still love this so much. The characterization and the dynamics between the characters are so realistic and you are always so researched. I love it! Thank you for your hard work and I'm always looking forward to more!
AnimangaLoverFE chapter 58 . 6/20
I hope you're feeling better! Sorry for not reviewing for some time now but I haven't been to this site for quite a long time due to personal reasons and studies! But I'm back and I still love this so much. The characterization and the dynamics between the characters are so realistic and you are always so researched. I love it! Thank you for your hard work and I'm always looking forward to more!
Ludwih chapter 4 . 6/19
Ohohohoho. Mai is here and jou is having a crisis. fun
Ludwig chapter 3 . 6/19
Great chapter. I don't know who i feel more sorry for (it's probably bakura). That's all from me tonight, I'll be back to pester you tomorrow
Ludwig chapter 2 . 6/19
Oh noooo, poor bakura. the mariks are spooky and joey is using his head for once
Ludwig chapter 1 . 6/19
I must confess, this is the one fic of yours I never got around to reading. I think the premise, combined with the length scared me off. But this time around I'm going to read it all :). Love your characterizations, specifically of Bakura, though I'm sure I'll start to love Jou as I read through this
Nathanel chapter 57 . 6/9
I forgot to mention that I love how you've brought Honda back into the plot!

Juicy juicy drama!
Orochi-Dragon14 chapter 58 . 5/18
I'm sorry about your breakdown. Those are awful. I hope you're okay now.

I really loved Yami thinking he was on drugs & hallucinating when he saw & spoke with Mahaado. I was wondering when Yami going into the afterlife would come up. That's definitely not an easy thing to decide.

I can understand why Marik feels relieved, but at the same time the way he said it was pretty shitty, & Yami agrees it seems.

I loved seeing a lot of Malik this chapter. He's so overwhelmed. & Who could blame him? Yeah he definitely doesn't want to talk about Isis. I really loved his & Yugi's talk. I think Malik really helped Yugi come to terms & realize it was Yami's descision in the end.

Mr. Bakura... & Bakura. Now that was very interesting. Of course he's not gonna believe the story of who Bakura actually is, but then was completely dumbfounded when Bakura spoke not just Egyptian, but an ancient form not spoken anymore. I thought that was clever especially since he couldn't prove his power.

Wonderful as always! :)
SHADOWoftheFOX chapter 58 . 5/18
That opening with Mahaado and Yami was pretty amusing! But I think my favorite scene was with Bakura and Ms. Bakura. I appreciated all the little details, like Bakura calling Ryou "Hikari." The fact Bakura's first priority is to clarify that those people are not his friends is also hilarious.

Yugi is so cute in this. Malik is not handling with well, but his relationship with Isis is turning out to be quite interesting. She's fun when she's so smug!

Marik calling himself "free" is interesting, and I did not expect that! I am excited to see where that goes!

And I really like your song choices for this chapter. I'll admit I haven't paid too much attention to them before, but they're all great. It spurred me to listen to more Beth Crowley.

I hope you're doing better now! Best wishes!
Orochi-Dragon14 chapter 57 . 4/7
I apologize for taking so long! First of all, I had no idea this even updated! It was by chance I found out. Second, a LOT has been going on.

This chapter, like always, was fantastic! I can tell you put a lot of effort into it. Especially with things changing from your original plan.

I loved the chaos & worry in the hospital. Poor Jou. I feel so bad for him. He was just trying to get rid of his stupid horrible father, but definitely in the wrong way. I absolutely loved how Bakura comforted him in his own way. He really does care about Jou. Their interaction was much needed. It was hilarious that Baku kept getting out on the spot about his sex life lol

I was surprised to see Honda. I love how he's salty as fuck about everyone "turning on him", yet he defended his (ex) best friend when Jou's & Shizuka's mother tried to play the "it was his choice" card.

Poor Malik. He's so confused & upset! I feel so bad for him! I love how Yugi defends him too! He's absolutely right! Rishid & Isis need to accept Malik. It's difficult, but he's not evil

Oh I can't wait to see how Ryou's dad reacts to Bakura :D

I loved Anzu in this! She wasn't about to leave without a fight! & Moutou really helped out with that crazy bitch.

So excited for the next update!
SHADOWoftheFOX chapter 57 . 3/25
I really enjoyed this chapter-particularly Bakura and Yugi. In fact, this may be my favorite non-ancient times chapter. It has so much emotion! I look forward to seeing how the situation with Mr. Bakura is going to go; that is going to be some explanation! (Or lies.) And is Bakura going to sleep through the whole thing?

Yugi is tough and so dedicated! Anzu too! I am enjoying Yugi's relationship building with Malik. I thought Honda was gone for good, but I am glad he is back around.

I'm sorry to hear you're out of work for three weeks or more. I've been really lucky in that my job can be done via telework. I hope you stay safe and well during this difficult time!
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