Reviews for Mind Games
Martyr Mcjones chapter 10 . 5/20
Interesting concept, wasn't finished though
A Businessman chapter 10 . 5/15
I suppose after 15 years you probably won't continue this, but hey, I can dream. I really like this so far, hope you decide to start writing it again.
Dragonjek chapter 10 . 1/24/2016
I'm glad I decided to take a chance. I rather enjoyed it.
I hope you return to writing this at some point.
Dragonjek chapter 2 . 1/24/2016
So... you forced a head injury that someone pushed a piece of his subconsciousness to not only activity, but self-awareness, when you were going to be putting him in Asuka's mind anyways? Having her own confidence affect his own would feel much less absurd.
Dragonjek chapter 1 . 1/24/2016
It was a good idea, but the way you made changes was very... crude. Even considering that the basis is of someone meddling with their lives.

The staring in the beginning could be easily explained as minor changes, but Shinji's drowned rat comment is vastly OOC-even if he was upset, he wouldn't respond by insulting her-and Asuka's response is nearly so. Even though she does subconsciously want Shinji to actually stand up for himself (and to her), she doesn't put up with insults at all-especially when there's only barely been a few changes. Her first reaction to that would be to hit him, and not with a freaking pillow. Her retrospection afterwards was rather heavy-handed, as well. Additionally, _smugness_ is outstandingly unsuited to Shinji. Even on those instances where he does have confidence in his skills, it manifests itself as determination, not arrogance.

I'll give the story another chapter or two before deciding whether or not I'll drop it... but you're writing is technically sound and apart from the character issues, not unenjoyable.
RedHotDemone chapter 10 . 10/17/2013
let's see, how many years have passed? almost 7? and the big question is ... when you plan to finish this story?! I mean, seven years! and wait too!
Jho chapter 1 . 9/27/2010
I remember reading this a very long time ago, this is one of my favorite stories at that time, it's going to be a pleasure rereading this, I forgot so much about it.
Loco77 chapter 10 . 9/12/2009
Son Of A Bitch chapter 10 . 5/17/2009
Continue it you, you... YOU ASSHOLE!

i love this work of you.

starburst98 chapter 10 . 5/3/2009
i demand you get back to writing this!
Renuki chapter 10 . 9/14/2008
Interesting, very very interesting.

(And oh dear, what is happening how? D: *is worry*(
wilofthestorm chapter 10 . 6/26/2008
You need to update this story. Excellent work. The bickering with 'Apache' is nice counter-weight.
toradorataiga chapter 10 . 1/21/2008

i just love how asuka and shinji's relationship developed through the whole story :) it's just great :D

plz...for the sake of asuka and shinji plz update

GET UR HEAD-nevermind -_-
fanfreak chapter 10 . 1/9/2008
hello...anyone there? you havent updated this in well yeares. i dont need to tell you its good, you know that, but this three year suspense build up is enough.


The Fanfreak -*
D.K.N chapter 10 . 12/18/2007
Please please PLEASE FINISH IT!
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