Reviews for Home
AraelDranoth chapter 12 . 6/6/2016
Oh well that's bittersweet. You should really update this story. It would also be fantastic to have them join the Galactica again at some point and slowly move forward with the original plot of the series.
AraelDranoth chapter 10 . 6/6/2016
Uh oh!
AraelDranoth chapter 8 . 6/6/2016
Some good stuff but I hope that we see people from Galactica again.
AraelDranoth chapter 6 . 6/6/2016
Now we're getting to the meaty stuff
AraelDranoth chapter 5 . 6/6/2016
And there is the kicker
AraelDranoth chapter 4 . 6/6/2016
Oh frak me this is a fantastic story! Why oh why didn't you finish it?
AraelDranoth chapter 3 . 6/6/2016
Oh I love it! More please!
AraelDranoth chapter 2 . 6/6/2016
Oh man! The drama! I love it!
AraelDranoth chapter 1 . 6/6/2016
Without a doubt, the best pairing in the series. I was actually upset that they didn't receive more screen time.

The beginning was a bit shaky but then your writing improved dramatically! I love it and hope we get some really good romance going on here. Characters were actually in character which is rare and always a pleasure to read.

This is a really good start so keep it up!
Elyssa Brown chapter 12 . 6/11/2012
Love your story! You have such a good grasp of the characters and are an artful storyteller. The last couple chapters were very sad and I know it's been over 5 years since your last update but I would love to read the next chapters five chapters (the Final Five, if you will).
lilyevans-luvs-jamespotter chapter 12 . 5/3/2008
hey. great story. i luv helo and sharon together. they fought so hard for this. i'm kind of disappointed it isn't finished though. kinda frustrating.. no chance u'll update this?
SG-Fan chapter 4 . 3/6/2008
I so want to marry Helo...

Anyways. Brilliant chapter.
SG-Fan chapter 3 . 3/6/2008
Great chapter!
SG-Fan chapter 2 . 3/6/2008
Very well-written... all the characters are very in character!
SG-Fan chapter 1 . 3/6/2008
I just finished this story and it's incredible! Please, please finish it!
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