Reviews for Second Chances Don't Exist
Guest chapter 1 . 12/6/2017
I don’t feel bad for Amy, she shouldnt have messed with OTP.
Naddlez chapter 1 . 1/7/2016
loved it! your stories are so angsty and almost too satisfying, haha! this one would be great to continue but it's great on its own.
Bashful Masher chapter 1 . 1/12/2014
Why did I read a story with a title like this and still hope Jo & Laurie would get a second chance? ;) Oh 'cause I want that SO VERY MUCH. I love "Little Women", one of my all-time fav books growing up, and I respect Louisa May Alcott's (stubborn! foolish! very Jo-like!) decision to not have them get together (partly 'cause of her readers demanding it), but it'ssobviousgtheybelongtogether! Jo & Laurie were probably the first couple I "shipped" who didn't end up together and it still hurts. Every time I read the proposal scene (or see it in a movie adaptation) a part of me hopes it'll turn out differently this time. ;) So I turn to fanfic! And I hope your title might be misleading. ;) But nope! No second chances! Fine. Be that way. ;) If you do decide to add more instead of making it a oneshot... well, *I* would love more, but you do what you feel is best. :) I'm not gonna be a demanding reader and make you do the opposite. ;) (Oh, Louisa.)

I love the details of how Jo felt uncomfortable in the "elegant chair, the plush velvet taunting her skin with it's grandeur", and the way you described Amy as "regal" and "golden crowned" excellent reminder of Jo's feelings in the book, of being ill-suited to life as Laurie's wife, because of his wealth and position... Of course you then proved her wrong, and did such an excellent job illustrating why Jo & Laurie are so much better suited to eachother, with their similar sense of humor and playfulness, which Amy was just too prim to participate in/not bright enough to get. And I love the emotional scene between J&L too...oh my heart. :( I think you got all the characters' voices just right! I can't help wondering...what's next, after these revelations?! How much worse will Amy & Laurie's marriage get now that the truth is out (a completely cold loveless marriage I guess, with him sleeping in uncomfortable chairs for the rest of his life...ouch!)...will Amy & Jo & Laurie be able to bury it all and pretend and stand to be in the same room together again? Will Jo avoid Laurie completely from now on?! Gah! I can't stand it! I need to know! I'm going to read all your other Little Women fics eventually and I hope maybe one of them holds the answer...or a second chance? :) I can't handle the angst! But you write it very very very well. :)
Greman Eye chapter 1 . 11/22/2011
I love Jo and Laurie. When they didn't get married and have a ton of babies in the book, I almost had a breakdown. (okay. I wan't that bad, but really close to it.)

I hate the idea of Laurie and Amy getting together. He says in the book that she is the only one to replace Jo. He still loves Jo. I can not belieive that Amy marrys him. I find it crazy and not possible.

Anyways, this was really sad, but so wonderful. I felt like I was reading the book. That's how spot on it was to the book. I can see them all saying this. I do feel bad for Amy, not super bad, but a little.
great gospel chapter 1 . 1/6/2010
What a bleak Yuletide indeed. Goodness, even the title is just so... ouch! (For lack of a better word.) And the characters were so... in character! (My mind is running out of words to use! D: I'm even overusing the exclamation point! -See? D:) But, all jokes aside, I really did enjoy this piece. Seems things will never turn out right for Laurie and his girls. ):

blue7 chapter 1 . 10/30/2007
That was fabulous! Sad but fabulous! I love Jo/Laurie.
the doctor's next dance chapter 1 . 8/30/2007
That was really beautiful - you couldn't have improved it in any other way! The dialogue was spot on and you really kept to the feeling of the book and the film. I even (just a smidgen, I must add) felt myself feeling a teeny bit sorry for Amy... but not that much!
Icha chapter 1 . 5/14/2007
Geez... get Jo and Laurie married already! What else can we do, we Jo-Laurie lovers? Fanfiction readers and writers, even!

Padfoot Reincarnated chapter 1 . 1/27/2007
I liked it. Sad!
Purple Rhapsody chapter 1 . 12/27/2006
Well, that was an excellent one shot! Everyone was so in character, and the dialogues were perfect. And I was thinking which were the best parts...and I concluded that I couldn't possibly differentiate them, and that the whole thing was the best part! ;)

Amazing work!

~Purple Rhapsody~
literaryfreak chapter 1 . 12/26/2006
I really love this one, Quirky Del. I love the beginning, and the image of Laurie carrying glasses of eggnog for the two sisters is so clear in my mind. And I can't help but melt over the bittersweet confession, on both Laurie and Jo's parts. I just about died with the "I need you." And finally, the silhouette of Amy, ghastly white, is perfect, just perfect.
Mandylion chapter 1 . 12/26/2006
I was about to say 'Update soon', hehe. Poor Laurie, miss him, the fifteen year old, bashful gentleman.I nver thought Jo would turn him down, I thought they'd live happily ever after, having capital times as wife and husband, but...yeah. Nice story.
morag-macledydooly chapter 1 . 12/25/2006
i love it. well done. merry christmas. D
msjockeywriter chapter 1 . 12/25/2006
aah-were all sads and confused and laurie has to sleep on the couch!

but seriously (for once) this is well done, teddy especially. his dialogue is lovely and you've made him the prankster he is.

and amy and jo- they are great too, perfect in the sad bits. i would have thought amy would kick and scream, but perhaps she's actually gone a bit mature and got some sense, or maybe she's just shocked. anyway, well done! and happy christmas!
rese chapter 1 . 12/25/2006
oh man, Laurie really knows how to stick his foot in it eh?

i like the melancholy ones just as well as the happy ones, and i agree it was definitely more appropriate.

too bad amy just happens to be inconvenient to our love of jo n laurie. although she does provide some great relationship based plots bless her.

thank you for all your kind reviews too!

merry christmas!
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