Reviews for Congratulations
anthane chapter 2 . 9/26/2014
Kai knows more than an average teenager does, he's really wise. Though you have to get him in the right mood if you want to talk about personal matters. Update soon.
Marsuss chapter 2 . 3/16/2008
awesome _ i like it alot! i hope you write more beyblade fics, i just love to read them! and i think you are a really good writer if you ever decided to write a book I'm sure it would be a new berry winner!
Destiny Kitty chapter 2 . 1/29/2008
Cool story. I understand what Miguel is saying about trusting people you know won't tell your secrets to everyone. I wish I had someone that I trusted... personally I'm a secret keeper.

I like the mystery and quiet you write around Kai, it's very fitting.

azab chapter 2 . 3/12/2007
i liked it
lioku chapter 2 . 1/7/2007
no need to thank me XD i'm happy i could help you XD

i think that your idea for the secuel is great, and i specially want to read the chaps during the battle with brooklyn XD there would be a chap after the battle with brooklyn too right? please update soon ok XD

ja ne
Elemental Gypsy chapter 2 . 1/3/2007
O.O *flying glomps* Squee! I absolutely love this! Yay, for sudden inspiration! Thank you so much for continuing this fic. I love the growing friendship between the two.

You should definitely do a fic about the aftermath of Kai’s battle against Brooklyn. Maybe you should do a fic where Miguel is the one who finds Kai near death in the corridor and helps him. I’ll die squealing if you do XD

*glomps you again because she can* Please, please update soon _.
XxSweet MitsukaixX chapter 2 . 1/2/2007
Aw! *glomps Tuli-Susi* How sweet!

I absolutely loved Kai's answer to Miguel's question, it was so indepth and surprisingly logically correct...I guess the saying is right: You learn a new thing everyday! Well done!

Yes, please make a sequel to this, it would be fantastic. I would recommend something along the lines of Kai and Brooklyn's last battle, as you suggested, possibly something to do with Miguel being the one to comfort Kai at his time of need. *shrugs* I'm probably not making much sense here! XD

Anyway...looking forward to a sequel. _

XxSweet MitsukaixX
lioku chapter 1 . 12/26/2006
i liked this fic a lot, i think you should try to write romance between miguel and kai, i'll love it and i know that elemental gypsy too XD

about the translations in spanish, it wasn't bad, it gave the idea of what kai meant, but it sounds strange in the way is written U, if you don't mind me telling you the correct form to say that, is like follows:

“Fue un buen ataque Miguel…y un buen juego. Te deseo suerte contra F-Sangre (or dinastia-f, that's the name for F-Dynasty in mexico, i think U)”

my first language is spanish XD so if you see any mistakes in my spelling and in general in what i write, it's because i'm learning english ok XD

keep the great job XD

ja ne
Elemental Gypsy chapter 1 . 12/25/2006
OMG! *squeals and glomps you and the fic* I absolutely love it! It’s gorgeous. You really should try a romance between the two. I would totally love to see your spin on it _. You’re a wonderful writer. I love how Kai just appears and disappears like that. Thank you for writing this. I simply love it. Merry Christmas (or boxing day as I in Australia ;p)
XxSweet MitsukaixX chapter 1 . 12/25/2006
Yey! First review! XD

Aw! Short, sweet and simple. A job well done!

0_o Disappearing Kai...I wish he could disappear into my room and give me more inspiration! _

Merry Christmas...or Boxing Day...or whenever you get this! XD

XxSweet MitsukaixX