Reviews for It's More
Xen Kenshin chapter 1 . 1/18/2011
That was cute
Daughter Of Poseiden chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
Haha I love pokemon but this is the first fic I have ever read and I LOVED it!
Densharr chapter 1 . 4/12/2010
Aw... Cute. Totally my fav Pokemon ship. Love it
Nakamura Namiko chapter 1 . 3/13/2009


This fic is adorable! Keep up the Brock x Misty fluff. I love it. Love LOVE LOVE.

Dirtberry chapter 1 . 3/15/2007
Wow. That's really all I can say to this fic. You've got the whole characterization of Brock, Misty and Ash pinpointed in here - and I absolutely adore your idea of inserting Ash in between our favorite gymleaders in this fic. It totally made it all the funnier, and Ash's denseness and ignorance always gets to me unfailingly. p I lurve Ash sometimes. But I love gymshippy all the more, and it's really hard to find good fics about them in this fandom, when they're practically canon material. (Well to me, anyway. But that's just subjective. Though I swear it isn't just me that's noticing how the series practically canonalized them, or is it? x)

going onto my favorites. and write more! the fandom needs more of brock/misty.
MazokuTenshi chapter 1 . 7/17/2006
cute. I like it! berry much!
BladedBlossom chapter 1 . 2/20/2006
Hahaha. This fic's cute. Quite funny. I love when Misty's shown as actually caring and being concerned.
Delicious Mud Pie chapter 1 . 8/25/2001
Ah! I read this one too! And I'll tell you exactly why I love it-it's because it's so flirty and cute and the lack of mushiness makes it even MORE cute and it's clever and Ash was funny in it and the Krabbies thing was funny and this is one big run on sentence. But it WAS a really cute fic. Really cute. Seriously cute. But not disgusting cute. Cute cute. I like cute. I lub this fic. Keep writing! There can never be enough gymshippers!
Angelstars chapter 1 . 7/7/2001
Arrrrrr... I hope you don't mind I am catching up with my reading! and wow! this has to be the cutest yet! I love the ending especially! ~ *Oh god look out more dreams* MMmmmmmm Brock and Angie, Angie and Brock... mnnnnn nice... Oh yeah it's Brock and Misty! :) theeehhhee Yep loved this one too! I think I am going to read more now! lol! ~ Angie* ~ You are a gymshipper yes? so have you read Stargliders newest? now that is so good! Brock is my baby in that one! oh yeah! wa! sorry... review more of your stories! lol!
Vickie211 chapter 1 . 7/3/2001
Very cute! The relationship here is so fun and easy-going. Interesting look at their past together before Ash. And Ash is certainly in character. _ Nicely done!
Jacay chapter 1 . 6/26/2001's cute! Oddly...I never find stories cute! But this one is...I never even though of Ash and Misty together...but it's really cool! I like it!
Spruceton Spook chapter 1 . 6/26/2001
Ahh! I love this story! Loved it on Unintended. So glad you put it up here. I talk about this story, believe it or not, all the time. Definitely one of my fave gymshippy stories. Very funny. The whole thing with the Krabbies was terrific! Did a great job with this. Gymshippy forever, Whoah-oh!