Reviews for Daydreaming
RobinaRain chapter 1 . 4/21/2013
This has got to be at least the third time I've read this story, and it only gets funnier each time. I completely agree with Aang, daydreaming is awesome. That's how I come up with all my story ideas :D
Eve chapter 1 . 3/30/2013
I agree with Aang, daydreaming is an amazing thing that has more good then bad weaved into it! Nice story, very well put together.
Infame chapter 1 . 7/30/2011
This was totally beautiful :)

It was very well written. This is my favorite line "The once merry flame that burned inside him whenever he thought about her, it had now turned into a blazing inferno."

thanks for posting :)
SpiderAndPhantom chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
plz tell my parents that daydreaming is good im always of with the fairies lol
CyclonePsycho chapter 1 . 6/21/2008
Awesome story and concept. Daydreaming is very enjoyable. :D
PagingDoctor502 chapter 1 . 3/21/2008
I started cracking up when he said "kissing you." I was like no way did he just say that! It was kind of like my same reaction to that daydream part in Nightmares and Dreams. Good job with the descriptions...very vivid. Keep up the good work!
Winnywriter chapter 1 . 10/21/2007
Pretty good. I think it could be better with a little more dialogue, though. Overall, I liked it! .
prettygirl17 chapter 1 . 9/10/2007
SO Cute! One of my favorites. You made me feel like I totaly knew how they were feeling.
AirGirl Phantom chapter 1 . 7/22/2007
Haha, awesome job. That was really cute. Especially right after the kiss. You're a great writer!
Lystee chapter 1 . 5/25/2007
That story was so sweet! I loved it.
CrazyHormoneGurls chapter 1 . 2/25/2007
Drabble, my fatass! I wish I could dish out stuff like this 'quickly'. On another note...Wouldn't that make an interesting conversation?

Sokka: Why are you blushing?

Aang: I'm thinking about dangling your sister's bangles.

Sokka: *hits with boomerang*


Anyway, new episodes March. Can't wait.
ChubbyBunny chapter 1 . 2/11/2007
very very sweet :)
Aangtheavatar chapter 1 . 1/30/2007
the.Ordinary chapter 1 . 1/12/2007
Praise: The build up to the words "kissing you," was perfect. Your descriptions of Aang's complex emotions was very accurate, giving your reader something to relate to. Sokka was particularly in character. I loved how you effeciently tied your intro into the ending.

Critiscism: Personally, I think that Iroh's presence and the explanation of how he got there was unecessary. There is too much story behind Iroh's relationship with Zuko to squeeze in a couple of sentences, not to mention the fact that he was captured by Azula.

Overall, I found your fic an enjoyable read. It was sweet and soft and fluffy and squishy, all the things I love about the canon pairing. Good job!
GlisteningStarFire chapter 1 . 12/31/2006
This was extremely cute! I loved it a lot, the whole daydreaming idea was just adorable!

Hope you write some more oneshots soon! And thank you for all the reviews on my story :]
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