Reviews for Say It With Flowers
Dmander4483 chapter 3 . 2/20
It’s been many years since you wrote this story, but I just discovered it, along with your other wonderful Cold Case stories, and had to comment. This story was absolutely amazing! You have an incredible talent and you captured the very essence of Lilly and Scotty. Wow!
multipazz chapter 3 . 8/15/2016
Came upon this story by happy accident.
Although my review is a decade late, it does not diminish the loveliness of the story.
Part angsty, part humorous, and part endearing. Who knew angsty-fluff can be so good?
Thanks for sharing your talent.
headtilt chapter 3 . 10/25/2014
wow, just wow. i have no words
LeandraL chapter 3 . 8/3/2011
Thank you for this absolutely beautiful and touching piece of art! One of the best I've ever read. Your portrayal of Scotty and Lilly was spot on. Absolutely loved it! :)
hay chapter 3 . 4/23/2011
this is an alsome story
hey chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
so far this a good story
Team scottylilly chapter 3 . 11/18/2010
Great story. Totally loved the vunerability of both characters. They would be a really nice match and wish they had more interaction like this in the show. Hope you write more fics soon. This was fab
Nastasiia chapter 3 . 8/20/2010
So cute! Thank you for sharing it!
and she knew love chapter 3 . 7/16/2010
Aww! They're so adorable together! I wish this had happened on the show. Huh. Scotty's humor is always so irresistible, especially the way you write it. Burnt toast. I can't stop giggling over that.
and she knew love chapter 1 . 7/16/2010
Usually, I don't like first person, but you do it so well. Great start :)
Lari chapter 3 . 7/7/2010
Whoa, that was just an amazing fic!

Very good to fade my abstinence feeling for CC..

Now that the serie has come to an end, I guess I can only count on fics... Really loved your's!
XxRandomHeartxX chapter 3 . 3/18/2009
I haven't read an amazing story like this in AGES.

Let me first say, I love how you you write. It's adorable.

And I love that the two characters have these distinctly different when you write in either of their POVs they seem like different people. Sometimes you can change POVs, but write it all the same way. You didn't, and that made it so much more enjoyable.

This is just pure cute. Fluff, I think I needed it. And I adore the end. And Scotty's declaration was just about the sweetest thing ever. All of Scotty's thoughts on Lilly were so sweet. I just love the guy.

And Lilly and her facade, was spot on. You've written her so incredibly well, how she keeps her two worlds (personal and work) separate, and hides behind this facade.

I gave up all my studying time to read this (and I have a bloody lot to study) but it was SO worth it. So well-written and just perfect...I love it.

Lau MBC chapter 1 . 3/10/2009

*Well, there's that one my friend made, but she's always gorgeous, and this... was unexpected*

First. HOW - I'm asking - you cand work Scotty so damn well? The guy can be almost unberable cute and totally hot-man at the same time! WICH IS SCOTTY'S ESSENCE! I'm just numb to see that.

Second. Lily. Lily, Lily, Lily. Oh, I've got lots of things to say about Lily, but now I gotta go, I'll be back with my fervorous admiration for the great piece of work! You should be very pround of yourself! See ya later
hw65 chapter 3 . 12/23/2008
I really loved this. I've had it bookmarked to read for weeks, but only just got around to it, I wish I hadn't waited so long! Anyway, great fic, really well written and I love the idea. :D

bloodredcherry chapter 3 . 12/7/2008
I hope you have written more fanfictions since this story because this is excellent! My guilty pleasure is drunk fanfics and yours is believable :)

Anyway, great story!
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