Reviews for Demon 12
Sugushibiki chapter 19 . 7/17
Kind of sad you couldn't keep writing this story. It was incredibly fun to read and amazing. Did anyone adopted yet? I might have a few ideas, or maybe if you want we could talk out and maybe inspires you. Let me know
Lover of Emotions chapter 19 . 2/12/2019
that really sucks. if it hasn't been adopted i was thinking of doing it. i would just need a little bit of time to work on it because i have things going on a well.. should you change your mind let me know.
Dracomancer1 chapter 19 . 8/24/2018
Hey, even though that je ne sais quois that drove you to continue writing is gone, this story is still a fantastic piece of work that gave many people happy memories. I still remember this fondly as one of the very first stories I read and got into on this site waaaaaaaay back in middle school. It truly has had a great run.
AmarAsakae chapter 17 . 3/1/2018
i want someone to make that opening animated
jack26 chapter 19 . 3/16/2017
please update your story.
Love Non Canon chapter 9 . 3/15/2017
You know what, AnonDrop? You're just jealous, aren't you? I like this story.
AnonDrop chapter 9 . 3/31/2016
No female Ranma? I wont even read this. More than the martial arts and more than the relationships, what make Ranma "Ranma" is his female curse. Without it he isn't Ranma. Aside from his female curse, there really isn't all that much that differentiate him from other super powered male teenage heroes after all.

And Ukyou? That's awful! Ukyou is the single most boring character in the Ranma-verse. If she had turned out to be male she could at least have created some issues relating to Ranma's curse, but as is she is just a background character that Ranma exist more to create a setting where Ranma can hang out and eat food. Shampoo's relatin to Ranma is interesting, Ukyou however isn't. She could have been if they had focused more on the childhood friend bit - but Ranma really wans't around he rlong enough to build something like that.

So why pair her up with Ryouga? Akari is far more interesting, she is sweet and better looking and she actually is shown to love him. But if you don't want Akari, have Ryouga be with Akane. I know Akane has her problems, but at least Ryouga canonically like her. Their relationship might be rocky and she might treat him like a dormat, but at least that would be better than boring Ukyou.
Guest chapter 19 . 8/23/2015
Rumiko Takahashi is such a fool.
Danazia Gray chapter 19 . 8/5/2015
Ryoga entirely deserves to be portrayed as the younger twin or single biological brother of Kouga in any fan fiction stories the same way Ranma entirely deserves to be portrayed as the younger/youngest paternal half brother of those other two paternal half brothers Inuyasha and Sesshomaru as well and the third son of the great full dog demon with a human mother Nodoko the third human mate of the great full dog demon.
Drama Haters chapter 5 . 5/26/2015
Soun and Genma are entirely, both equally such lazy, cowardly, irresponsible fathers. Mrs. Tendo never ever even deserve to die back then in the first place. Mrs. Tendo entirely deserves to be alive in manga and anime anyway and Kagome's father Mr. Higurashi entirely deserves to be alive in manga and anime too. We'd like to see how Nodoka Saotome and Mrs. Tendo interact too.
Akane haters chapter 5 . 5/26/2015
Rumiko Takahashi is entirely a male protagonist bashing coward for not giving Akane Tendo a punishment for her violent behavior.
Danazia Gray chapter 1 . 5/22/2015
You entirely should've brought Kouga, Inuyasha and Kikyou back from the dead too, you know.
Danazia Gray chapter 19 . 5/22/2015
Were Ranma and Ryoga born identical twins or fraternal twins? Huh?
Danazia Gray chapter 19 . 5/22/2015
It's been two years ago and there's still nineteen chapters of Demon 12.
Akane haters chapter 9 . 5/15/2015
She entirely deserve all the worst things that ever happened to her all because of her stubbornness, stupidity, violence, aggression, spoiled brattiness, selfishness, too much, too many and a lot of anger issues which they will never ever even bring her mother back from the dead. Her mother just died of a deadly cancer. Ranma and Kagome are a lot better. I still want Inuyasha, Kikyo and Kouga back from the dead though, please.
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