Reviews for No Good Deed
JamaicanTIVAlover chapter 40 . 1/15/2018
Wow! I don't even know if you still access FF, but just finished reading this story! And what an AWESOME story it is! Well thought out and you got the characters to a T! Wish it was longer and we would see a little of Tiva living together! But anyways, I give this story 10 out of 10! It is now one of my favourite Tiva stories! Great! :)
Lowenweiss chapter 40 . 6/12/2017
Well done. This is an excellent story. Good characters, good plot, enough surprises to keep things interesting. Thank you for writing it.
prince-bishop chapter 40 . 4/17/2014
This was a very good story.
prince-bishop chapter 11 . 4/17/2014
Interesring and a very good chapter, seems like Ziva has turned into a traitor, enjoying the good life too much.
Make it up as I go chapter 13 . 5/29/2013
Oh my god I am so pumped. I'm reading this and my adrenaline is off the charts. This is so good! If this were food it would be really good Buffalo wings. Tasty addictive and you can't stop at one.
BaronBargy chapter 31 . 6/16/2012
Okay a few points I'd like to make.

1: It's M-o-s-s-a-d. 2: Ziva killed Ari. 3: His name is Eli David.
PJ in NH chapter 40 . 6/1/2012
Taking Ashley's (Inherently Random's) advice, I started to read your stories. Working my walk through this series, I was very impressed with your quality of work and ability to weave a story full of texture and color, and No Good Deed was fabulous! It's very well thought out and complex without being complicated. Well written both in plot and grammar. The only advice I can give you is for you to reedit your story settings to include the featured characters, for if it wasn't for Ashley's recommendation, I may not have found your stories. I'd had to think other avid Tiva fans, might overlook your work. Can't wait to read more!
Berry Smoothie chapter 31 . 7/23/2011
i just can't stop reading this, it's so good. i really liked the way you kind of portrayed two different zivas (tony ziva and dmitri ziva), and although we'd like to be able to believe her when she says she loves tony and all that, we still kinda have our doubts there...

anyway, very well written.
Berry Smoothie chapter 12 . 7/22/2011
did i ever tell you how awesome your stories are? they're really really good!
CrazyTunes chapter 18 . 4/6/2011
LOVED the Pinky and the Brain reference!
NCIS-fan chapter 40 . 3/21/2011
A really amazingly great story! Congratulations and thanks for sharing this wonderful story!
earanemith chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
oh goody, 40 chapters in this story, already looking forward to reading it, just read locked and that taking for granted, just working through your sort of series, and loved them all this far, almost sure I will love this one too
KYTIVAFAN chapter 40 . 11/10/2010
just discovered this story and I LOVED IT. Should be made into a movie - seriously.
A Smiling Cat chapter 40 . 9/11/2010
How do you do it ! You write some sad things (like, said, death-things) and you still manage to make me laugh at the end of the story ...

I really liked it ! It was well-written and a good idea !

Cat :)

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OnceUponTheseDays chapter 2 . 8/31/2010
Just started and I already adore your story so much!(:
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