Reviews for Kingdom Hearts III
Shire Folk chapter 32 . 12/5/2015
I'm at a Star Wars themed dinner theatre show at the moment, so I saw Qui Gong and my mind went to the wrong place. _

Still very good. I' m very glad that I was able to help, and now I'm worried for the future considering how much I screamed at you for Kim and Ron.

May the Grace of the Valar Protect You

Shire Folk
Shire Folk chapter 31 . 11/28/2015
Well now, a very good chapter for your return. There was something I didn't mention before, and that was just how much I liked Roxas' tirade in the middle there, about how they were stuck in a no-win situation no matter how they sliced it. I keep giving him the short end of the stick, and I don't mean to but I do, but I really like how you've got him here. It's encouraging.

That and Namine being embarrassed when she's able to properly give Roxas a good shoulder massage. That made me smile.

May the Grace of the Valar Protect You

Shire Folk
Shire Folk chapter 29 . 8/25/2013

1.) You updated.

2.) You updated with a kickass reunion and character growth chapter, topping it off with Yukari kissing Riku!

I'll probably try to write something more comprehensive later, but it's ten to one where I am and I should probably be getting to sleep.

May the Grace of the Valar Protect You

Shire Folk
Cheri Berry Keyblade chapter 6 . 8/25/2013
I see what you did with the names Hojevah, Jessu and Astan, shuffling their names like that. Tell me, are you, by chance, a Jehovah's Witness? And could you tell me what Pristan's name is after?
Guest chapter 28 . 4/4/2013
Why did this story stop! It's so good one of my favs!
ghostfox12 chapter 28 . 8/23/2012
Awesome chapter. I was having a really crappy day until I read it. Paine getting annoyed by Mickey and company’s singing really put a smile on my face. Keep up the good work.
Novarin chapter 13 . 4/22/2012
Wow I just saw the Princess Bride. I knew what you were doing when they had the " battle of wits " Great chapter though.
Bluedemon322 chapter 13 . 8/9/2011
Ah...Princess Bride references. Good chapter!
elenchus-m chapter 26 . 7/4/2011
The story was awesome. I ended up reading through the entire thing in one sitting, it was that good. How frequently do you usually update?
Shire Folk chapter 25 . 5/16/2011
Woo-hoo! You're back! How long has it been now? A year? Two years? Very long time anyway. I was starting to wonder if you'd actually, really, truly left. Why does it always happen where the good, long, descriptive, epic KH fics keep falling into disrepair and discontinuation before their conclusion? Yours was about the fifth or sixth that I've noticed since I started writing.

But, that doesn't matter anymore because you updated again. Pretty good chapter. I had to go back and familiarize myself with the world from the previous chapter, but it all worked. Loved Sora's dream at the beginning, and the impromptu battle with the plunger and broom as well as Sora geeking out over the ship.

Glad to have you back.

May the Grace of the Valar Protect You

Shire Folk
Martiny the one and only still chapter 24 . 10/24/2009
I just read the whole that took forever . I like it and can't wait for more, hope you update soon!

DarkUnknownSora chapter 3 . 10/5/2009
Hmm...i just want to be clear is the themed birth by sleep? if it is that not the true 3 of kingdom hearts. Its a prequel that takes place 100 years then 10 years from the original Kingdom Hearts. Its from the information I gathered and trailers I've seen with a little Riku and Sora together. The keyblade wars took place that many years ago if it didn't they would've been alot of keyblade master in kingdom hearts don't you think? I could be wrong but thats what i gather besides the keyblade shown in that field of keyblades with the secret ending were all keyblade reduced to keychains to connect to the original kingdom blades Sora has. They also don't mention kingdom hearts I only birth by sleep like the other side titles i think they would have a I like a II in the title but thats just me.
Keuraki-SoraXRiku chapter 2 . 9/26/2009
Simplicity usually works. It works here, too D I'm only up to chapter 3, but so far i really like this story. You have quite the plot forming, and i like that, because i can't read long fan fics if they don't have as plot.

Well ... besides yaoi fan fics XD

I find that people tend to read drabbles and one-shots more than they do long novel-like stories like your (and, soon, mine too). I've been learning this the hard way DX I'm glad ur getting a lot of reviews.

Anyway, keep it up!


Lady Karai chapter 24 . 9/23/2009
*hugs you tightly* Wow! I am so flattered! I stopped in to see if the chapter was up yet and received a host of amazing compliments instead. Thank you so much! I really hope your readers like the chapter.

On another note, I feel like such a heel for only favoriting this story now. Please forgive.

Fai te s'tin chen phfolabai an yela v'chan, n te s'nai phfoven varesh yela xula.

- Karai
Shire Folk chapter 24 . 9/23/2009
The science jokes? I LOVED them! My favourite was that last one with the electron! That one's awesome and I'm going to remember it for as long as I live now. I pretty much liked every bit about this chapter: Sora's tutoring of the dirtbags, the 'dry' reading, the whole joke bit, and the dancing. I especially liked that it was Scottish country dancing and Kairi's line of, "Do I ever!"

It's glad to see that you're back. Now I'm going to have to go and re-read chapter 1 before I can get back to finishing my latest chapter before I concentrate solely on my own re-writes.

And after I'm done those, there will be a big explanation as to: a.) My thought process behind them, and b.) Why they were necessary.

May the Grace of the Valar Protect You

Shire Folk
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