Reviews for Fan Mail
awesomeninja09 chapter 7 . 1/25/2016
I feel sort of obliged to say this (same to you, Lily!) but you're brilliant. Especially while being a person with your 'condition.' Brilliant. You're most likely the brains behind all of the Marauders' pranks (and the Marauders' Map, signed Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs), even though Sirius and James are pretty intelligent too (they're just not as hard working as you are, and you have to work hard to actually get anywhere in life). Peter, I'm sorry but you're not exactly the sharpest crayon in the box (I hope you know what that means). You can be clever when you don't try, but you often do try, and that ruins it all. Thank you for reading this! Sirius, I love you. James, I love you but I would never ruin your relationship with Lily. Remus, I love you (don't feel rejected, Peter. You're okay).
Sirius, one more thing. Marlene has a baby. :)
RosaSilvermist chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
Poor Peter...NOT!
ImmaTheta chapter 4 . 9/1/2012
Dear Marauders,

Along with this owl, I have sent a book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I can understand if Sirius and James don't really want to read it, or Peter for that case (you should prevent him from reading it, it might give him time to escape after you have finished the book and learned the truth) but Remus, I know you love books, and would have any problems reading something. Please, share this book with Lily Evans and Albus Dumbedore. They need to know what happens too. Don't ignore all these warnings people are giving you!

ImmaTheta chapter 3 . 9/1/2012
Dear Marauders,

Abandon Peter. Just do it. Or if you don't, Sirius, don't trust him for any...secrets to keep. Oh, and James (plus Lily, if she reads this) take Harry and get out of the house on Halloween. Just some advice. Never mention or give the cloak to Dumbledore, James! I know I am sounding criptic, but I can't be anymore specific incase this owl finds it's way to Voldemort.
And Sirius, please, stay away from the Veil.

By the way, love you guys, minus Peter though, but no offence Wormtail. Nobody really likes you, it's the truth.

Locked in a Stony Tower chapter 7 . 8/11/2008
good story...i might write a letter later, but im to lazy right now...hehe...
antmous chapter 7 . 6/28/2008
funny story haha i loved it :) :)

sirius is totally hot!
lilyre chapter 1 . 4/19/2007
Ok, i really liked the whole thing... Um i wanted to no if i could take ur idea, i would credit u and suggest they go read urs 2. If not im just gonna write letters between my friends and the mauraders, but i think it would be cool to do this, and i think a lot of people would like it, i think a lot of people liked urs... It was awsome... poor peter... I blame JKR for making him bad not peter himself... I love JKR but at the same time i hate her, Killing off everyone... and so on... Anyways... If you dont reply soon, im just gonna take it as a yes, the 1st chapter is going up today... just a letter to the mauraders from me and my friends kinda, do so tell me soon... I totally love the idea,

Luv ya

lilyre chapter 7 . 4/18/2007
trying *snicker*... to *snicker*... stop *snicker*... LAUGHING... *rolls over on the floor laughing (or would if her brother and his friend wernt in the room)*
awesomefatkitty chapter 7 . 3/25/2007
omg! this is so freakin hilarious! i absolutley luv it! y stop? its 2 soon! y won't u continue? its so kul! would u mind if i started sumthin like this as a like continuation since ur choosin not 2 continue? i luv this & its such a good idea thing...yea! i'd give u like all da credit & do u say? if not, then u really should freakin write more! & u'll send a reply 2 my e-mail? sounds good! lol i wanted 2 know wat u'd reply 2 this:

Dear Marauders,

Why did you guys decide to kindda randomly hex Snape? Sev is my homeboy (a future term used in da gehtto, but dat's ok cuz i luv da ghetto even tho i'm not ghetto in da least bit...)! I luv him so much! Cuz he's like kul...evil rules cuz it just does. Voldemort is my father and when James and Lilly die I'm gonna play my fiddle and sing songs about the burning of troy, just like my favorite Roman Emperpor, Nero. Yea, Lucius is also the kulest guy sides Sev. They both rock & they both are my homeboys. Peter is also my homeboy because he ends up evil. Evil rules dude, so I say go for it Peter! Seriously, evil will conquer da world! & the ghetto will conquer it evil & ghetto will like split it half & half. They'll divide it by the northern and southern hemispheres or the easter and western hempishpheres.

Hey, you know what? The Ministry has this car that runs on water, but they're not going to give it to us because they know that we'll buy up all the water! And once all the water is gone then all that's left will be beer...& they know that beer will set us free! So anyways, Sirius sux cuz he thinks he's kul & he's just not really kul. He's a slease-bag who's cheating on his g/f...I should know, he cheated on her me. *wink 2 him on his performance...haha!* I hope whats-her-name breaks up with you. And Remus, werewolves suck cuz they just do. & wat I says goes cuz my daddy is an evil rich bastard...who's running from the authorities. James, I hope you and Lily go to Heaven so I don't have 2 see ur stupid faces in Hell...da best evil places ever. And comment. Cept I luv u 2 death, but not more than Sev or Lucius. You all three my homeboys! And Lily, if you ever get a chance to read this...DIE!

Hate Always Someone Who Doesn't Care WHat You Reply,

Queen of Everything...EVIL!

Ps. I just had 2 add a Ps...*cough*losers*cough* What the hell, screw u, you sons of...-Sev covers mouth because he's just kindda pissed off right now so I don't get to finish my sentence...damn him!- *-insert middle finger here-* XP
anonymous chapter 7 . 3/4/2007
Wow! I loved it!

Do you have any idea how hard that made me laugh?

Your stories are great, I hope you keep writing them!

That was great! (Sorry had to say it again!)
tigerlilystar chapter 7 . 2/17/2007
Just wanted to say AWESOME fic. I think I'm going to read this anytime I'm feeling sad or depressed... It's bound to make me happy!

I loved it loved it loved it!


l1lyfl0w3r chapter 7 . 2/17/2007
I like this! Really funny!
Soccer Freak 101 chapter 6 . 2/4/2007
hey! awesome story! here's another letter from Hallie

Dear Peter,

How about we meet...this Sunday. And just to be sure you don't have too much homework, we should both finish it on Saturday (if we aren't overloaded). Meet me at...the entrance to the Great Hall. Please tell me you can make it!

Love you so,

psychotic me chapter 6 . 1/28/2007
Yay! I was first! Okay, next one:

Dear Sirius,

Are too big headed.

Dear James,

TRY not to mess up with Lily, and make sure to hex Snape into next year for me, please.

Dear Remus,

Also, don't be surprised if you have almost as many fans as Sirius or James. There are many girls out there who would give almost anything for one date.


Psychotic Me
tigerlilystar chapter 6 . 1/28/2007
Awesome chapter! Here are my answers to the Marauder's answers.

Dear Lily,

Told you it would work! Worked for James clone, kind of impossible for it not to work on the real James. Keep this up, and in a small matter of time the two of you will be dating (that's what happened on my side).


Dear Remus,

Hex James for me for not believing me. -to James- Oh yeah? Potter's a common last name? Name some families who have it and are NOT blood-related to you.



Thanks, Remus!

Dear Sirius,

Harry Potter series... How can I evem start to describe them? Um... Adventure, romance, bloody stuck up gits, evil, good, fights, loads of spells and a very magical universe. Just read them!

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