Reviews for Animorphs : The Beginning : the conclusion
alexi-malmgren chapter 5 . 3/1/2017
In the series Alloran survived . He want abck to the Andalite homeworld . The visser went before the UN and recieved life in prison
Guest chapter 11 . 10/21/2016
This was Good they got back to Earth . I hated how KA Applegate did that too us
alexi malmgren chapter 3 . 10/21/2016
you didn;t put the visser's thourght speain like this as the books always did
David Fishwick chapter 11 . 3/1/2015
Awesome and thanks for writing.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/9/2014
This is now my new canon. This is how it should have finished.
Guest chapter 11 . 3/15/2014
zen chapter 11 . 1/29/2014
i am impress with how you wrote this, this is more of the ending that i would of like to see from the animorphs.
please keep up the good work.
Reflection chapter 11 . 1/25/2014
This is the kind of ending I was hoping to get good job!
Ailuj Ztips chapter 11 . 2/10/2013
This made me cry... But in a good sort of way.
(Sobs Uncontrolably and Hides in the Corner) "THIS IS THE BEST FANFICTION I'VE EVER READ!" (Cries in Joy)
AKAAkira chapter 11 . 1/7/2012
I gotta say, the beginning chapters were as confusing as heck for me. It took a while to decipher that. And the lack of POV switch notifications and thought-speak indicators didn't help, though that might not have been your fault.

And really...the context for the One and Crayak being destroyed and the Yeerks being overpowered and the clearly speaking Hork-Bajir are somewhat unbelievable...not to mention the One, the "most powerful being in the universe", getting the boot after one chapter was kinda...anticlimatic.

But overall, you did build up a great, logical sequence of events that culminated very neatly into this end you've built. There's nowhere I can say I have a suggestion for an improvement character-wise, and this fic really does give much better closure than the canon has.

If only you've gone another few years into the future...ah well, wishful thinking.

Excellent job with this story.
hybridphoenix chapter 11 . 5/2/2011
I agree with the new canon comments. Although the way people (to use the term loosely) conquer the Yeerks seems a little too easy.

I liked the way the fic worked, though- how they sacrificed, but didn't lose what was important.
Quill chapter 11 . 4/28/2011
This is the best Animorphs fanfiction I have ever read! True to series and really well written, you gave a popular story concept your own original spin. If only they'd release this as the last book!
Armchair Tengu chapter 11 . 3/11/2011
People who dis fan fiction so often forget that most of the great classics of world literature are fan fiction. From Homer to Shakespear, they've looked at familiar characters and stories and seen things that even the original creators could not see. When I read this fic, I suddenly got the image of Homer thinking about the Trojan War, and deciding he wanted to make sure Odysseus got home okay.

Now in my humble opinion, the very best kind of story is the kind where in writing it, the author's actions in the real world are the equivalent of the characters' actions in the story. That is exactly what you have achieved here. 17 thousand innocent sentient creatures suffered because of how Jake chose to end the war, just like countless innocent readers suffered because of how Ms. Applegate chose to end the series. In both cases, I'm sure they thought it was a sad but unavoidable sacrifice, but in both cases, as you have so beautifully shown, they were wrong.

You, like Cassie, realized that there was a better way. After all, what good is ending a series if in doing so, you destroy everything that people loved about it? And so, you went back and changed things, so that what was most important was able to survive. And by doing so, you've helped set a terrible tragedy right.

And so, on behalf of all the readers who never find their way to this site to express their gratitude in person, I want to thank you: for easing our regrets, for returning a little piece of our childhoods, and for writing a damn good piece of fiction. I think the Ellimist would be proud of you. chapter 11 . 12/18/2010
Aah I get the host rebellion thing.

Hmm but what did the Drode do in Chapter 9? He created an alternate universe where he could try to kill the Animorphs?



That was the best other-ending I've ever read. Best of all, it provided a sense of closure that KA apparently didn't think we needed.

I notice you still didn't save Tom, though... x.x chapter 7 . 12/18/2010
Wait. What happened to the Yeerk? It spontaneously died? It lost the battle for control?

Aside from the ambiguity on that point, I think you've done a brilliant job on this series. The emotional depth portrayed here far exceeds that of the original series.
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