Reviews for Walk Not Alone
guest chapter 22 . 12/8/2017
really moving story.
creativesm75 chapter 22 . 12/4/2017
very good
Raenyx chapter 22 . 3/22/2016
Kenshin's struggle with his flawed world view and his eventual resolution with the imperfections of the world and its people was touching and inspiring all at once. Your grasp on the character's state of mind and the maturity you went about in presenting it is something that I have rarely seen in fanfiction or even published works. I can honestly say that this story has been an amazing journey for me. There's a lot more that I can't put into words, but thank you for writing such an awesome story.
fanfictioner22 chapter 22 . 1/26/2016
It was a wonderful story, now for the next one!
Draculella chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
One question as I'm rereading the kids name Carrie or Miya? You've used both so... Or is it like Heather/Akane?
ApocryphaFreeze chapter 22 . 4/3/2010
So...did Tammy ever get the cat named Shinta? I think I missed that part...
sarahlilly95 chapter 22 . 1/19/2010
An interesting sequel to an interesting story. You might want to get a beta to read over it sometime and catch some of the minor grammar/spelling mistakes.
shinigami109 chapter 4 . 12/24/2009
wait, is the kid who was kidnapped named carrie or miya...cus you've called her both
Murakami no Kitsune chapter 22 . 10/21/2009
Wow, I don't know if you read reviews for these past chapters or not anymore, but I must say I'm in love with this siries! It's so plausable that it could actually be made into a cross over. If not for the fact the way the Kenshin story ends.

I love this story by the way, I also like your slayer of Nightmares as well. Added you to my favorite Authors too so I can watch for your latest stuff! I'm slow reader and just now starting the third installment to this siries, I have a feeling it'll be just as good. I was almost dissapointed when I reached the end of this because I wanted to read more, of coarse I remembered there was more to come so I am happies. XD

Thank you for such a wonderful story!

Murakami no Kitsune
Serenity Moon2 chapter 22 . 6/24/2009
Always wondered what would happen if Kenshin ever took a head, and how he would react to killing again. But I love watching Kenshin interact with Mac and Richie.
kirallie chapter 22 . 6/19/2009
Good woek! Poor Kenshin.
Barranca chapter 22 . 4/13/2009
This sequel was darker in tones and dealt with very painful subjects but I liked it all the same. It might be good to experience the lows and hardships in life just to rise from the purgatory a better man. And I like the way you write Shoujiro :)
Yak chapter 9 . 3/9/2009
It was a rich smoker's voice, roughened by years of age from what he remembered more than a decade ago, but he didn't have much trouble guessing who this was. "This is Akane Himura."

You meant Atsuko here, not Akane. You use the wrong name several times in that passage. This sentence is just the first Akane/Atsuko mistake; there are a few others in the next dozen lines.
Zuzanny chapter 22 . 1/16/2009
That was beautiful. I had tears in my eyes during this chapter. Beautiful. :)
Deritine chapter 11 . 8/18/2008
And to think I said this needed more angst. LOL!
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