Reviews for The Brother I Always Had
Guest chapter 2 . 9/30/2019
This is impossibly cute and warmed by cold, cynical Squidward heart so much (sometimes ‘alive all along’ endings to sad five are a cop-out but this one broke my heart all over again.)
Also ‘little brother’ nearly made me cry
Wowow chapter 2 . 5/21/2018
Omg, I teared up! I really, truly nearly cried.
Wowow chapter 1 . 5/21/2018
My mom was literally playing piano in her bedroom when I read the part that spongebob died.

It hit me like a brick of sadness.
shadow ninja chapter 2 . 8/3/2015
beautiful. this is truly amazing! this is a great fanfic you should make more stories!
Growlie chapter 2 . 3/6/2014
This was a very touching, heart-warming story. I really enjoyed it.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/26/2014
That was very hart warming
pinkperson chapter 2 . 12/13/2012
It was a nice story, although the second chapter seemed rushed and a bit unbelievable compared to the first. I really hoped you wouldn't pull the "he's not really dead" card out :/...I hate twists like that. But it was well written for the most part and I enjoyed reading it.
pinkperson chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
This is so good. I love your descriptiveness and characterizations and tone. And Mr Krabs even let Squidward take the day off :P lol.

About Squidward's mom, she was only ever referred to a few times in the show, but I remember that two of those times she seemed mean. I think it's more believable that he had pretty crappy parents anyway :P

Other than that, great job. Loved the reference to the "imagination" episode at the end.
blahgrrl200 chapter 2 . 9/1/2011
YAY! he's alive after all!

i kind of agree that at least in the second chapter, patrick was a little mature for his character, but


as i said...

Squidward DOES care!
blahgrrl200 chapter 1 . 9/1/2011



WAHHH! Squidward DOES care! (sobbing into my teeshirt)

that part about "Imagination" was so beautiful!

it's so sad, i don't wanna read anymore. but i feel like i need to finish it, or i won't be whole, like theres a gap in my soul, ya know?

just wanna point out one thing: his full name IS spongebob. i understand that you were just trying to make it more serious, and i respect that. i'm just saying, though. spongebob IS his real name.
chocolatecheesecake23 chapter 2 . 5/3/2011
awww yay! happy ending! hes dead, then hes alive - phew. back and forth with the drama there XD but it was awesome - tho mrs. krabs is spelled wrong, unless you wanna spell it like that -
Kartoonfanatic chapter 2 . 8/13/2010
Beyond lame jokes, past dragging plotlines and cringewothy writing, this story has touched onto something that very-few-to-no Spongebob stories have ever touched AND captured before:

Heart warming, sincere, in-depth sorrow.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: In a rare case that a story has grasped the outlining of plot created by the clashing characters found in such a cartoon as Spongebob Squarepants and turned up the emotions with an event that sets the stage for a deeper, more mature, yet not impossible storyline, this peice has demonstrated not only the art of that, but went almost futher and included touching moments referenced from the show which make you look back on it and cry.

The true beauty lies with the later realization: "I'm weeping over a cartoon story that's not even a real episode, but I just don't care."

I'm more than happy to have read this. and you have proven yourself as an up-to-date fan, indeed. One of the best tragic fanfictions there is.
Spongewriter chapter 2 . 6/30/2009
Although that would never happen on an episode of SpongeBob, I still thought it was touching and sweet. God, you almost made me cry!
SpongeSebastian chapter 2 . 6/15/2009
Wow, you are a gifted writer, moto. That was a true tearjerker and the ending and climax were carried out beautifully. I've always had a feeling that Squidward, in a way, needed SpongeBob and this story was completely accurate in illustrating just that.

Literally, the only problem I saw was that you spelled "Mr. Krabs" wrong, but other than that, everyone was correct. Classic!
futureauthor13 chapter 2 . 4/2/2009
OMG this story brought me to tears! I'm such a crybaby LOL

You did a great job on this story, I loved it so much I put it on my fave story list. Great job! :-)

P.S: Why did u spell Mr. Krabs with an extra B?
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