Reviews for Twenty Years Later
staidwaters chapter 21 . 5/23/2009
I'm still confused, but very curious...nice setup. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.
Ibidem chapter 21 . 3/12/2008
Wow! This story is completely mind-blowing. I applaud you for taking on such a tough subject; aging. Nobody likes aging but to have your favourite characters age in such an ungraceful way...bravo. Your plot is also freshingly new and orginal.

Your OC are excellently believeable and original. I love Pudgy and the fat jokes Loeb keeps cracking. I like how you incorporated the whole chocobo race thing into the background of Teioh and how he was named after a chocobo. I don't think anyone has done that.

Cloud's struggle to deal with his advanced aging physically and mentally is protrayed wonderfully. The "pipe-swinger-is-only-my-crazed-induced-hallucination" part adds a nice twist that throw and whole new doubt into Cloud's little pot of mess.

I have so much more to say but not enough time. I'll review later when you've update again.
Kaj-Nrig chapter 3 . 3/6/2008
I'm very interested in this story; the Sephiroth worshipers mentioned in the summary reminded me a lot of my own, and I checked this story out of curiosity. I hadn't seen many other stories with that playing as a major part of the story before. (In fact, I hadn't seen ANY others until now.)

That said, these first chapters do a very good job hooking someone in. There are grammar issues, but those would only need a bit of proofreading to get rid of.

Everything else seems fairly well thought out, so the only way I see this going is up. Good job.
Epic Popcorn chapter 12 . 3/5/2008
i feel like the inspiration for this story came from watching too many mgs4 trailers. with old snake...being old and set on an inner time clock himself. correct me if im wrong.

on the other hand i dont like the idea being applied to ffvii. i mean it would be okay but the way you made cloud live out his life is disapointing. nonetheless it's well written-save for typos- and almost painstakingly so. In some chapters there is way to much description and i know its tiring to read for a lot of people.

still, its an okay story that i'll continue reading, but its not something im ready to add to my favourite list. but my input isnt your problem. again its not bad, just not my cup of tea, but i can still appreciate the story and the concept behind it.
sckry chapter 20 . 6/28/2007
Wow, this is great. I'm a little confused as to whats going on but its great ll the same.

Keep it up!
sckry chapter 17 . 4/19/2007
Ah! Cliff hanger!

I can't wait to see how everything falls into place!

Update real soon!
sckry chapter 10 . 4/19/2007
This chapter is depressing seeing Marlenes hope crushed like this. Tifa joining the cilt, I didn't see that coming.

Theres a reason, right?
sckry chapter 8 . 4/19/2007
This fic is awesome. Cloud is such the anti-hero, reluctant to get invovled and all.

And I really like Marlene and Teioh, they seem realistic and beliveable characters, not so shallow that you couldn't care less for them.

Your writing style is descriptive and clear, great job!
JadeiteZ chapter 17 . 4/18/2007
*flails around* Your chapter endings kill me. I was not seeing this coming with Cloud. Great chap with the build up to the end there. *flails some more* Please write more soon! :)
Rosie chapter 15 . 4/1/2007
Oh an update! And yay Cloud's not dead! Despite this you have certainlly put the chatacters into very difficult postions. Congtates on your writing abiltly as you have carried your ideas across very well.

Look forward to reading the next installment
Galaxia Alpha chapter 14 . 2/19/2007
This is simply amazing. First of all, you have guts writing a story about an old, physically unattractive Cloud. I'm surprised all the Cloud groupies haven't attacked you. I'm glad you did though. This story has so much depth and maturity. All your characters are very real and believable and the plot is well thought-out. I also like the theme of a dream. You carry it through well, without overdoing it. It reminds me of Cowboy Bebop (one of my favorite animes). The main character is a lot like your Cloud in some ways. Life becomes a dream to him once he loses what he loves. I can't wait to read more. This story really is a gem. I'm very picky about what I add to my favorites list, but this definitely makes the cut. Thank you for the great read and for something different and unique.
Rosie chapter 14 . 2/18/2007
OMG, OMG, OMG! You killed him! We all knew that Cloud was rather past it at this point in the story, but I hoped somehow he would find the strenght to fight on just that little bit longer to save Tifa, and finally doing the right thing - telling her how much he did actually care for her.

All the same, fantastic peice of writing, and I will stil be back to read what happens even though you killed off my fav character!

Keep up the good work,

JadeiteZ chapter 14 . 2/18/2007
This is a fantastic story but man that last chapter's ending is killing me. . What a place to be left hanging! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Himura-Dumbledore chapter 8 . 12/15/2006
UPDATE! Another very descriptive chapter...well written, well done.
Himura-Dumbledore chapter 7 . 12/3/2006
Nice. Another well written chapter, I hope Cloud's in the next one?
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