Reviews for (2) A New Alliance
Solasnagreine chapter 1 . 10/21
You are such an amazing writer, and bringing Predator and Star Trek together is a fantastic idea. I’m drawn in already, and I’m also scared!
ElliotJA chapter 1 . 10/9
HUGE fan of Trek and Predator; thanks for writing this.
Guest chapter 91 . 9/28/2018
Great story, I really enjoyed it very much. It’s not often that I take the time to read a story. You’re very talented and hope to read more. Thank you very much. Rob
NorJC chapter 91 . 8/27/2016
I remember reading the beginning of your story several years ago and am glad to see you stuck with it and completed the story. I think you did a wonderful job and the story is well-written and very entertaining.

As a fanfic writer myself and knowing how difficult it is to get readings and reviews, I can suggest a few things that may help get your wonderful story more exposure. It really should be a crossover Aliens/Predator/Star Trek Next Generation. If you don't want to go that way, you should add 'Star Trek' to your story synopsis and 'crossover.' That way, when people do a search on Star Trek or 'Star Trek crossover', your story will also pop up in the search results.

Anyway, great work!
Ric Brown chapter 91 . 5/4/2016
A very enjoyable story. It makes me happy to finally read a story where the Predator(s) are actually victorious. I believe as you do, that such a creature should be unbeatable in one on one combat against humans due to their size, speed, training and tech. Thanks again. Look forward to reading your next story.
Cityhunterluv chapter 91 . 4/13/2016
Great as usual, you pay attention to Yautja ways and customs perfectly and I appreciate that! Now on to my only gripe with these reviews maybe if effortvesentnova learned a little about Yautja they could properly review. Go back to watching Star Trek, and the weak borg ;)- because when a Yautja is stripped of weapons and armor they are still tremendously powerful.
still-guns chapter 91 . 3/26/2016
I have thoroughly enjoyed this story. My only complaint is, it's not in the crossover section where it should be, but then I might not have found it.

I noticed at one point, you said you were getting a picture of Kehlan and George done. I would like to see it my self, honoured author ;)
Dave chapter 88 . 3/9/2016
I absolutely loved this story. I read it in its entirety in less then 24 hours. Could you please direct me to some more of your writings...thank you.
David Ozzysun chapter 61 . 3/9/2016
I have to say that this whole story has had me on the edge of my seat. The way your capturing the Yautja..the Klingons..and the Oomans is awesome. For gods sake write more please..I haven't had this much fun reading a Predator/Alien story in a long time(and I just finished Predator Incursion by Tim Lebbon which I found boring and just not exciting)
AZalmega chapter 88 . 3/6/2016
True dedication since 2006
Happy roughly 10th year anniversary!
Paradise chapter 87 . 2/13/2016
Price is dangerous and treacherous enough to be a genuine threat. The yautja are not un-killable, humans of the 20th century could manage it. I look forward to these follow on ideas as well.
Paradise chapter 86 . 2/13/2016
Awwww... it was just getting intense. I can't wait for more.
EffervescentNova chapter 82 . 1/23/2016
For some reason I always imagined the Yautja eating alone. At least aboard their ships. And their eating habits being as gruesome as every other element of the Yautja.

I liked the humor found in this chapter.
Artemis1000 chapter 80 . 1/19/2016
What a fantastic story! I was utterly hooked right from the start. I love how much this reads like watching a Star Trek episode, or well, by now more like a multi-episode story arc xD With the focus on diplomacy above war, gaining a deeper understanding for a completely foreign cultural, the pitfalls of First Contact (poor O'Henry!) but still having to move on, this story gives me a very TNG vibe. Then there's the intrigue of conspiracies to uncover and secret agents to outwit (I wonder if it's really Section 31, my guess is yes!) that is very DS9.

I love all the characters, you've made me care so much for them. Also, it makes me absurdly happy that your crew is very multi-species. I get that human crews are easier for TV, but I absolutely love alien Starfleet! The Klingon-heavy cast brings a lot to this story, obviously, but I also love all the others. Although yes, our Klingon lead ladies are my definite favourites!

I enjoy the romance, too, though it breaks my heart that I can't really see a happy ending in store for them. I want so badly for it to be possible that they can be together.
Chief Arbitrator Pauk-de chapter 1 . 1/10/2016
Thanks for the update. Great story... keep it commin'.
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