Reviews for The Gardener
Guest chapter 1 . 12/11/2015
hippiechic chapter 1 . 12/6/2008
Aw! This was such a sweet, sappy story! You did great job of creating a background story for Yamcha. It was very believable and just a traumatic enough to explain his personality quirks, as loveable as they may be.

The little story that begins and ends your story is a very good symbolic representation of their love and lives. That was a very good touch and an unusual one as well. Nicely done!

Over-all, I fairly adore this story! Great job and keep writing great Yammar!

Peace and Out!

nobody chapter 1 . 11/8/2006
OMG I loved the story ! finally a non-bashing story of yamcha ! I think you did a great job writing this one ! well done keep on writing stories like this one !