Reviews for ANIMA SOLA
GhostAsylum chapter 1 . 3/8/2010
Hi on torture garden i am Akuroku2010 on and this is my username here anyway i want to thank u for mentioning me on ANIMA SOLA such a wonderful fic i loved it thank u!
themoviesh0w chapter 14 . 12/19/2009
You know, I got these tears running down my face, lightly sobbing... damned if I can't think of anything to say that can properly form how profound an influence these stories have. There just aren't any words-it's like when God could only show Moses his back, because only the dead were allowed the privilege of seeing his face. This review is only the back of what this story means, and it's impossible for me to show you the face because you'd have to tear my soul out to squeeze the right words from it. God... just amazing. Like... Thank you. I feel like I can do anything... Those words of yours have an impact far beyond just the characters and people they include, although they do real justice to both those things.

Too sad and painful to criticize without feeling emotionally invested. If reviews could be written with tears and blood, your review page would be a wet mess.

Also, your 'name' is lovely. It is very low-key, which is just endlessly fascinating considering how incredible of a writer you are. I'm glad your other stories are getting a lot of responses, you deserve quality feedback. Please don't ever stop writing, unless you've got to ta' save the President of Earth or something. (For 'just aren't any words,' there sure are a lot of words here! But, the two most important are once again 'thank you.')
SunshineandFlamingoes chapter 15 . 3/1/2007
O my God. That was brilliant. I can't believe it's the end already. I will always remember this trilogy...especially Stigmata. You truly are one of the best writers here. I'm actually thinking of putting up a "Fanfiction Hall of Fame"! Of course, you're the first inductee. See you soon.
Souless666 chapter 15 . 2/7/2007
Amazing ending, simply amazing.

On a side note, any chance of a Mark story. I get the feeling there is a lot there that can be told.

No rush. This one was one in a million.
El Tejano chapter 14 . 2/6/2007
I'm in tears. Oh wow...
Golumfryingeggs chapter 15 . 2/6/2007
It's a dang shame that the story has ended, but I still aplaude you on a job well done! The entire story was intense and well written I'm just rather sad that you didn't get more reviews!

I do have one thing to ask of you though how ever; I am looking for good Mark Calloway stories, thier practicly no existent. Is there a possibility that you can use this character you've created (mark calloway) and make a story around that?

I think it would be an instan hit.

Although that's just me talking, :D

Yours insanely

SunshineandFlamingoes chapter 14 . 2/4/2007
The End?(Oh my gosh he's dead!)

SunshineandFlamingoes chapter 13 . 2/2/2007
Phew! Almost... Update soon!

What's gonna happen to Dave?

Did they kill Anderson too?
SunshineandFlamingoes chapter 12 . 1/28/2007
Oh...this gets better and better each time!

Good Job, Keep it up!

PS-It's almost my B-day! (Feb.8)
SunshineandFlamingoes chapter 11 . 1/19/2007
oh...eggsxiting! Puhleez update soon!
Golumfryingeggs chapter 9 . 1/14/2007

Undertaker has finnaly made and appearence! I hope he pleays a big role in this just like he did in the previouse one, but either way he made and appearence!


Keep writin yer scurvy dog!

Yours insanely

Golumfryingeggs chapter 7 . 1/14/2007
Yeah! I read the previous two chapters of this sage and I LOVE! It!

I'm almost finished with this one as you can see and I hope Mark is here somewhere!

yours insanely

SunshineandFlamingoes chapter 7 . 12/14/2006
wow..something sort of a soap opera..AWEWSOME! BRAVO! BRAVO!

PS-i am cordially inviting you to join the Anti-Vickie Guerrero Squad..Thank You.

Just e-mail me at
SunshineandFlamingoes chapter 5 . 11/30/2006
O My god, Is he gonna kill himself? this is so, so excitng!
SunshineandFlamingoes chapter 4 . 11/19/2006
OHMAGOD!DIS IS AWESOME! poor Rey..adam died..Dave telling really horrific wait!
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