Reviews for Manquant d'Amour
Anthony1l chapter 1 . 8/22/2011
This story is heart-breaking, interesting, original, touching, and unique.
Shuutastic chapter 1 . 5/8/2008
Aha, here's the third one I've been looking for.

That was a little detached from the others, but still a nice closure to the Ash & Misty story, but what I'm not liking here is the whole opening to the story of Linda & Tracey & Anju.

Nice story, but that's my only quip.
cratbro chapter 1 . 10/30/2004
This was a GREAT series. This seemed to be more of a history, not a fiction. Nice, very nice.
Spiraea Kozak chapter 1 . 12/14/2003
thats soo sad for linda... why did u make her a lil happier? and its just worse when ruksana is so unfeeling...
Yamamori Amaya chapter 1 . 8/23/2001
"I'M NOT A BLOODY FREAKSHOW!" LOL. That was a great ending to a great series! _
Ramia Winner chapter 1 . 6/30/2001
* sob* poor Linda...*snif* I always liked her! * sniff* I hope she finds someone soon...poor girl loosing the one you's so sad! * sob* though maybe if Anju finds someones else...hmm? * grin*...that was very good! If Linda had been alittle more nice to Tracey...maybe he could have changed her.I hope she gets better! Anywas I loved your whole series! Very good!
IC-Chan aka.Imagination Child chapter 1 . 6/21/2001
Wow, that was amazing! I honestly think that out of the whole trilogy this would be my fave, I mean you left me with my jaw dropped! I feel so bad for Linda (And you were right she wasn't my favorite), I think that picking the least liked character was a gret idea. Now I kinda hate to see the whole thing end. But anyway great writing, I always did like your work. _
Balance of Judgement chapter 1 . 6/19/2001
Very nicely written...but not a happy ending. Well, at least not a true happy ending for everyone. That is how life really is I guess. We all have to take the bad with the good. G'dA started out so sweet and then the story took a really depressing turn which wasn't shaken off. I enjoyed this very much. Well done.
Arrow chapter 1 . 6/17/2001
- This is the first story I read when I got back from Tuscon and it was worth it! Great Job Riny! Poor Linda...
Lady Barbara chapter 1 . 6/17/2001
Great story, Erina-chan. A somewhat sad ending, but a great trilogy.
BenRG chapter 1 . 6/17/2001
Ouch... Now that was nasty. Still, in many ways she brought it on herself. However, I hate to see anyone or *anything* hurt that bad. A genuinely terrible story of how it is possible to lose everything from making one poor decision. I'll go back and read the other stories now, Erina-Chan! BenRG's Rating 8/10
Ark9 chapter 1 . 6/17/2001
I didn't know you were writing another part! Is it really the end? *gets a crazed look* Are you going to write more on it? If not...write more on Heart & Soul! Don't abandon it! *continues to ramble* I liked it...
Angelstars chapter 1 . 6/17/2001
OMG! I really, really loved the whole of your series! & this was so sad! Angie* :)
pf14 chapter 1 . 6/17/2001
How could you not tell me you were putting this up! Shame on you! Karlie is pretty mad with you - what were you thinking ? I REALLY like this. The birth scene was soo funny! Is this the outcome of your insomnia or have you been working on this for a while? Your birthday is getting closer! YAY!
Marlex chapter 1 . 6/17/2001
That was a very strong story. "Strong"... that was the first word to come to mind. Others were deep, dark, beautiful, tragic... A look at a happy ending through the eyes of a tragic one... I'm not sure why you wrote this the way you did, heck, I can't even figure out why I write what I do. But it worked better than any other ending I can think of. As I read the tale leading up to this, I couldn't help feeling that Ash and Misty were walking a fine tightrope and with one misstep would fall to the depths below. Luckily, through the power of their wills, they managed to reach the other side. Unfortunately, not everyone makes it... There's a lesson there I suppose. Not a happy one, but who says life is happy?
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