Reviews for Smile
bickering-sidekicks chapter 1 . 12/30/2010

I just literally started watching Heroes two days ago—just found out Peter and Claire were related—and I think you've already turned me into a Peter/Claire shipper xP

Whether it's friendship, or romance, whatever. (A little background incest never hurt xD)
Carousel of Dreams chapter 1 . 3/20/2009
I think it's cute. (:
Adja chapter 1 . 10/13/2008
Aw, way to keep me on my toes.

It was... very Paire-y even though nothing happens, it leaves room for imagination...
zoetekohana chapter 1 . 12/30/2007
So beautiful!
dramionerox chapter 1 . 11/25/2007

the small moments were awesomely fantastic :]

much love, Rox
LightningStruckBlackDog chapter 1 . 5/3/2007
aw...what a cute story...they are so meant to be...too bad she's

Nathan's daughter...that really sucks... *sigh* .. well one can only hope that maybe in future episodes they might reveal the fact that Nathan and Peter are not blood-brothers...anyway awesome story...but write more on it...
Mavrixtrinkia chapter 1 . 2/22/2007
ahahaha... that was great... i wish there was more to it .. or a sequel or somethin. that was awesome, favvin it.
Marble Rose chapter 1 . 1/10/2007
This is incredible. I love how the subtlety is somehow so intense. Wonderful job. I think you've captured that initial spark perfectly. And all of Peter's reactions and thoughts were spot on.
obi's girl chapter 1 . 1/4/2007
that was really sweet :)
BAM Aesthetic chapter 1 . 12/8/2006
That was cute. You should add more :)
helaluvE chapter 1 . 11/24/2006
i really liked it :) very nice
tulzdavampslayer chapter 1 . 10/30/2006

...oh great now I'm a puddle on the floor. Who's gonna clean that up?
Pamena chapter 1 . 10/26/2006
Aw, this is adorable. I've been watching Heroes from the beginning, and completely bored, I decided to look for some fanfiction about it. I'm so glad I was This is the cutest thing, and I love the way you write the whole Claire/Peter dynamic-I'm anxious to see it in the show. I wasn't really expecting to find any pairings, considering the characters have never met, but the minute I saw "Peter/Claire" pairings, I knew it was going to be the ship I'd be rooting Anyway, in the beginning, I love how you slipped in the mention of the mug that looks like Lincoln, and I love that Claire noticed it without Peter pointing it out. I also liked the part where Claire is describing her home life to Peter, and what she'll miss the most. She's dead on in her mention that it's the little things she missed the most,because that's really how it goes-we miss insignificant things that we really don't pay much attention to when we have them. The whole "smile" exchange was so cute, and I love how Peter finds himself smiling in spite of himself. Oh, and Claire's line about it being hard to miss the painting on the It was cute when Peter realized Claire isn't exactly legal, and practically kicks her out. I'm just glad he realized Claire came to his place because she wanted to, not because her mother would approve. Anyway, awesome fic hon, you've just converted me:)
sauceynana chapter 1 . 10/24/2006
that was really sweet! I like it, I just started watching Heroes on Sunday and love it! I hoping for this pairing too! thank for the awesome fan fic.
LadyBozi chapter 1 . 10/23/2006
I already comment on LiveJournal.. but I'll do it again.. Sqquue Paire! LOL
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