Reviews for When Wishes Come True
Aryk von Straln chapter 16 . 5/18/2008
Oh great, this was a recent update. Guess I'll be waiting quite a while then for the next addition...Oh well, at least it means I'll be able to give my full attention to my own FE fic. Thanks for the review by the way, the next chapter should be up in a few hours so I hope you enjoy it.

I bid you a fond farewell! Adieu!
Aryk von Straln chapter 14 . 5/18/2008
Following my usual habits I'm going to comment on Loryn's bit of the story first. What? Florina and Hector? Er, last I knew you were pairing Florina with Sain's stuck with Serra? Crazy people in this world...did I say that out loud?

I bid you farewell! Adieu!
Aryk von Straln chapter 12 . 5/18/2008
Um...might I ask what you have against Bartre? He wasn't really that bad you know...bah nevermind, meaningless jabs and nothing more. I'm looking forward to the upcoming confrontation that Oliver is facing. Seems like his little 'army' is at least somewhat ready for what's coming.

I bid you farewell! Adieu!
Aryk von Straln chapter 11 . 5/18/2008
Ah, formatting problems the bane of all fanfic writers. I must once again state how impressed I am with the work you've done. Not only with Loryn, but coming up with something serious for Oliver to deal with in his own life. I can't wait to see how things turn out for him, and Loryn to as well. Just as a side note, I take it you are one of the really avid Matthew fans right? It certainly shows.

I bid you farewell! Adieu!
Aryk von Straln chapter 4 . 5/17/2008
You know modesty is a virtue, but even this is going a little too far. Is it really that delusional to be good, not only at writing the story, but structuring a plot, making believable characters ect? I should certainly hope not, or if it is the case I should certainly hope that I could be considered 'delusional'. Until next time...

I bid you farewell! Adieu!
Derra chapter 16 . 5/7/2008
You updated!

Good ending to the gang part, I liked it, but I'm really curious about what will happen whit Lora and the Fire Emblem guys.
Maxmagnus20019 chapter 16 . 5/5/2008

A good ending to the real-life part of the story, I liked how it was all portrayed.

Also, it's a nice ending for all of them.

I still think this story is awesome :P

Keep up the good work!
Derra chapter 15 . 1/27/2008
I'm sorry for Matthew because I know what is going to hapen next, but I really want to read how you put it.

It was a good character, a bit sort, but because of the way you ended it now I really want to read the next one.

See ya.
Maxmagnus20019 chapter 15 . 1/6/2008
Good to see that you'll be focusing more on Lora's story after the next chapter, it's probobly true that the story will flow faster that way, allowing you to be more lazy and give us more to read :P

Keep up the good work, it's great! _
themagebear chapter 14 . 10/3/2007
hmm. the story started out well. now its just become sort of.. blah. oh well.
shadowgeneral88 chapter 14 . 9/26/2007
once again, sis, your story appeases the hunger of your readers. i might be inspired enough for a random chapter in EoE or i might work on my oblivion fic, which you should read. it explains the storyline to you. and it has trashy romance, lol. good work, i expect more updates soon, i'll be doing some writing this weekend, gotta get back in practice.
Maxmagnus20019 chapter 14 . 9/26/2007


I've always enjoyed this story, and was actually wondering what had happened to it, the strange story that was somehow able to make me think about it while riding the bus.

This fanfic is interesting to me, and I very much enjoy the fact that you've decided to continue it.

I don't know why you think this chapter is stupid, it's a good one, and it allowed me to slowly remember everything about the plot.

Keep up the good work, and I'll keep on reading! _
Derra chapter 14 . 9/26/2007
Yay, finally. I was sick of waiting for the next character.

Good character, I really like this story, so plese dont keep us waiting so long for your uploads.
AstraSage chapter 14 . 9/26/2007
Thanks heavens, I thought you went on hiatus...

Well anyways, I like the character development in this chapter, though here's a little tip: even if Oliver's Adventure is like a counterpart of the game and the Gang's members reminds to the game's characters, the OCs shouldn't be carbon copies of the actual characters so they must have some differing trait in their personality to show they are unique.
Ghost of Ivan chapter 13 . 6/24/2007
Nice story. I seem to find myself wanting to read more of this. P

Also, the gangs and stuff about them, I find that interesting, so you should continue that... I seriously want to see the battle between them.

And a note- It's the Port of Badon, Port Kiris is in Sacred Stones.
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