Reviews for The Telltale Rain
Tsukinoshi chapter 1 . 11/2/2006
The Telltale Rain is really well written even though you know I don't much care for romance in the Harry Potter universe. It almost seemed as if you wrote something that could have been in the book. Good job!
Notused930 chapter 1 . 11/2/2006
Rofl... I can only imagine the chaos that would cause. Silly, silly.
x Veela x chapter 1 . 10/28/2006
Oh my gosh, I think that's one of the best RonxHermione fics I've ever read! And I've read lots of them..

I love the way that they're in character and it fits witht the storyline - the way Harry says to Ron that it's time for him to tell Hermione he likes her as more than a friend.

It seems so plausible to the real plot. I particularly liked the ending as well - the fact that Filch isn't just a grouchy old toad of a caretake, but does actually have a heart.

Oh yeah, and what if Hermione did find out... poor Ron! x x x
Boogum chapter 1 . 10/17/2006
I really liked this! I noticed you used a lot more descriptive and almost poetic style for this one :D

It was cool.
coinoperatedbecca chapter 1 . 10/13/2006
Great story ), I love it. I think I'm going to go read some of your other stuff after I get back from picking up my sister :P.

Oh, and thanks again for the review on What Was Never Said!
Flamegirl22 chapter 1 . 10/11/2006
Junsui that is great! It was beautiful! I hope some day you will continue this!

Flame aka Lynn
anonymous chapter 1 . 10/5/2006
Wow, that was a great story. Probably one of the best Ron/Hermione fics I've read in a while. Keep up the good work!
Selena Hufflepuff chapter 1 . 10/5/2006
Wow, I'm wordless.

Your story was just so perfect. It had everything that's needed to write a perfect story, angst, romance, humour, friendship and... Ron/Hermione, lol.

I loved it so much that I can't even begin to explain. It's one of the best Ron/Hermione I've ever read ;).

It's going to my favourites, of course.

Thank you so much for writting this, it's perfect :)

Your friend,
