Reviews for Damaged People
Julie chapter 11 . 3/21/2018
This story has successfully consumed my RoyEd-loving soul, and after reading that last chapter, I can't help wondering what happens next. I'm so eager to find out! How's Roy's meeting with Alphonse going to go? Is Winry ever going to accept Al's feelings? From where this left off, the possibilities are infinite and have me on the edge of my seat. I know this hasn't been continued since 2009, but the excitement is killing me. Daydreamishly, if you're still active on this account at all, please take this review into consideration. I understand if you can't write any more chapters for some other reason, but some answers would be much appreciated.
Nameless-1412 chapter 5 . 5/20/2016
otakuchamasherlockluvr chapter 11 . 2/7/2016
*le sigh* 'Tis such a shame, that such a great story as this one seems to have been discontinued... in other words...


Okay, now that I've gotten THAT out of my system... -_-;

This is a REALLY great story, and I hope you'll come back to this by some miracle, after seven years of inactivity on this story... Please? Whenever I find a great story, I kinda bond my heart with it and look forward to moments when I can read it. Whenever I've caught up or I find out it's discontinued, the little part of me that was a fangirl for the story dies. Please? I don't know if you're still on fan fiction anymore or what (probably should checked your profile before this...meh, oh wells), but if you are, please try to find time to work on this wonderfully creative fanfic you've been working on. You're a great writer, and I hope you come back to this. CX

Have a great day/night, Daydreamishly-chan!
OCSluvr is out!
KawaiiNekoNyaaaaaDesu chapter 11 . 11/27/2015
so is this gonna be an alt!universe au where they end up remembering the other universe? cuz that'd be cool. good story so far!
Scarlet Dupre chapter 8 . 10/17/2015
what the hell ed why in 2 fucks would you tell roy that, THE ROY MUSTANG
Scarlet Dupre chapter 6 . 10/17/2015
love the fluff in this chap
Scarlet Dupre chapter 5 . 10/17/2015
Roy, that cheeky bastard
GreedxEd chapter 11 . 6/10/2014
This remains one of the best high school aus and a favorite. Are you possibly going to come back to it? Because it's amazing and I love it to pieces
mamita chapter 11 . 6/2/2014
Hello, I loved your fic, hopefully upload more chapters soon, although it is a shame that there has been lemon, I do not like Roy is Ed, it's cruel, but I love the sexual tension between them, Al is about Ed Ed also passed though, and Ed and Winry do not go together or joke, that is wrong with Alfons Ed, I understand that this so hurt Ed at Al, but Alfons not to blame, I prefer Ed uke, I love the couple RoyxEd, and the pair of AlxEd, although the couple AlfonsxEd I love it, especially because I love Ed, but sometimes it's silly, and Roy is even more silly and perverted before, I hope you do more fics of them still so thanks and kisses.
Half Demon Alchemist chapter 11 . 5/6/2013
Aww please continue! It's so cute! I just love this!
Dashita Tichou chapter 11 . 1/31/2013

Poor Winry... And poor Havoc, I feel so sorry for him! I love the way you've set up the whole story and I don't generally like yaoi, but this story is AWESOME! Please update soon?
LeFay Strent chapter 11 . 11/7/2012 I notice you haven't updated this in three years... WHY?! THIS IS TOO GOOD OF A STORY NOT TO CONTINUE! Seriously, I've really fallen in love with this whole plot you've set up, the Roy/Ed and Riza/Jean/Winry/Al. But what really drew my interest was the first chapter and how Ed inadvertantly made this world. I didn't see you go in that direction a lot, only a few deja vu moments when Ed and Roy met or the alchemy quetsions as the quiz bowl thing. But I'd really love to see it be taken a step further where the deja vu factor becomes even greater to a point that maybe Ed remembers everything? Or somehow the world starts to shift back to how it used to be? I don't know, it's up to you to decide but I think you could take this story above and beyond. I really hope you haven't given up on this story and will update it one day. Until then though, I'll be waiting. ;)
LeFay Strent chapter 6 . 11/6/2012
Really liking this. X3
lorddepresser chapter 11 . 7/1/2012
awwwww havoc you grew a pair i'm so proud of you
lorddepresser chapter 6 . 7/1/2012
i love this story it's one of the best i've read
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