Reviews for Confrontation II: Trials and Tribulations
Guest chapter 26 . 4/9
What no finish? Its been 11 yrs and 10 months... and left hanging with Thisss!?
LUV_ANGEL(offline reading)
esther247 chapter 16 . 5/5/2019
I'm literally speechless. Lmfao. I am without words regarding this blatant disrespect. Like wow, demon or not, Teela better start counting her days. It's over for her.
DracozSlytherinPrincess chapter 26 . 2/18/2018
That’s how you abandon this story?! Super lame...
Great story though!
pinkwhaletail chapter 1 . 5/5/2017
i wish this was finished...
ddddaaaae chapter 5 . 1/20/2016
sesshomaruandrin . blogspot . com
sesshomaruandkagura . blogspot . com
ddddaaaae chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
sesshomaruandrin . blogspot . com

sesshomaruandkagura . blogspot . com
PunkLover chapter 26 . 5/29/2015
Hey there! I have no idea if you plan on finishing this story, but OH MY GOSH. I just finished what you have written here and nearly lost my shit. lol This story is absolutely adorable, even though you left things off at that last horrifying chapter! RIN! Omg. You're always so good at what you do. You make me talk to myself when I read your work...which is when I know I'm reading something awesome. But, back to you and this story. It's so amazing. If you ever update, you must know I'll be here to review until the very end! Hope all is well!
kagomeLove2 chapter 26 . 11/10/2014
Lovely story but I hope you will not leave it like this. I have enjoyed all of the stories you have written. Thanks!
cindy chapter 26 . 9/4/2014
please finish this story.. literally the best inuyasha fanfic i have read thus far
Krescendo chapter 26 . 6/18/2014
AWESOME! You absolutely MUST finish this story!
BrokenSofia chapter 26 . 3/7/2014
Omg this story is seriously such an amazing story! This is honestly my second time reading it, but the first time I stopped reading it at chapter 25 as soon as o realised that it wasn't finnished. But I'm really glad and came back to it after a couple months because it reminded me of how much I loved this story! (: I love the original characters you've created, especially little Kano and Reinto! And this story line is nothing less than addicting! I don't know if your even still active on Fanfiction, much less have much interest in Inuyasha; but I hope that you might come back and finnish this Fanfiction soon! I'm just dying! This cliffhanger is the worst one I've ever come across! :( lol
I really do hope you see this, and I hope you do decide to continue this amazing fic, or maybe pm me what you planned for this fic on a summary just so I can have some closure?! Lol I can pray right?
Well much love!
Update soon(:
sesshoemaru chapter 26 . 2/3/2014
jrsdfsdfjskfjskfjskfjskjfskjdfksjfdsjkfjs well there is no way you're coming back, but ... goddammit. I'm going to cry. I just want you to come back and update, dude. I'm crying now. CRYING.
pleasefinish chapter 26 . 12/31/2013
you never finished it..
overninethousand chapter 12 . 8/21/2013
here: sesshomaruandrinfaq . blogspot . com
sesshomaruandkagurafaq . blogspot . com
overninethousand chapter 1 . 8/21/2013
sesshomaruandrin . blogspot . com
sesshomaruandkagura . blogspot . com
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