Reviews for Distance
rizandace chapter 1 . 2/7/2009
This is beautifully written. I am in the process of writing a multi-chapter OOTI fic, myself.

The gods are my favorite part of that play.

I was recently in it as an ensemble member and it touched our hearts all so much that we cried for three hours straight when it was over. My friend who played Agwe as the worst of all of us, but the guy who played Papa Ge cried a lot, too.

sorry, you probably don't care at all. I loved your story!
Reena chapter 1 . 9/25/2007
Great! Love the last line. "And especially one small girl in a tree, born alone and dying alone, one small Ti Moune – the true goddess of love." I often call Ti Moune the goddess of compromise myself. I believe she's halfway between Erzulie and Papa Ge.
Narcissa Montparnasse chapter 1 . 12/27/2006
hey! how are you?(ya ...i dont know you but you know the play)

hehe...i love once on this island and i plan to make a songfic about it. since ive never written a fanfic, can you help me?

lots of love,

luvin-it chapter 1 . 11/24/2006
Aww. Great point you had there. :) I love this. Well-written. -faves-
Zazzie chapter 1 . 11/17/2006
Wow, this is really good and well-written. And deep. I like deep. _ You don't see enough OOTI fiction out there.

Though, I have to say this, I played Erzulie in this show last year, and I interpreted her completely differently. But that's the beauty of fanfiction, eh? D
The Left Hand Of God-offline chapter 1 . 10/4/2006
Wow this was really good! I loved this play we just did it over the summer. I was a Grand Homme_ But I do have to say, they wern't Ti Moune's grandparents, they were her foster parents. ' orphan plucked from the flood by Agwe' ''...and two old peasants came cautiously down the road.'

Drop Your Oboe chapter 1 . 9/29/2006
Oh, that's sweet. So sad, and so sweet...they did that play at my school. (Sorry, that's random.) But I didn't really get all comes back to "this is really good."