Reviews for HiStory
brightflare chapter 34 . 11/12/2013
great story. hope it gets finished sometime
Cody Smith chapter 34 . 4/18/2008
Hey, don't know if you're still working on this, if you are, keep up the good work, and update soon.
Aya-Shoru chapter 34 . 8/22/2007
oh this is good, when are you going to write more?
Jelian chapter 34 . 6/1/2007
AWW! THAT'S SO CUTE, I loved it!

You have amazing writing skills!
vrukalakos chapter 34 . 5/22/2007
this is such a sad, and yet sweet chapter. I wanted to cry...*sigh* keep up the story!
random-antics-echelon chapter 34 . 5/18/2007
This is getting better and better. keep up the good work. I hope things work out with Cathy and Ryan and Calleigh.
aweena chapter 34 . 5/13/2007
That was so sweet! I thought I was gonna cry when Cathy was asking about her mom and stuff and I'm gonna go cry now! XP
forensicsgirl02 chapter 34 . 5/9/2007
i love ur story its really great cant wait for the next chapters i think it might be a great story for the show that maybe you could email it to the creators :)
bethsmom chapter 34 . 5/7/2007
Good, they are making up. I hope David doesn't come around and try to start problems!
Dutchie15 chapter 34 . 5/7/2007
There we go, I knew they'd come around. I wonder if it's going to cause any trouble, the fact that Cathy's getting to know who her father is. But yeah, I guess I'll just have to wait for Ryan to come up with a new chapter :P

Great job Jean, and no need to thank me. Thank YOU for writing such an amazing story.
StoryDreamer chapter 34 . 5/6/2007
Another beautiful chapter. I'm so addicted to this story and am always in patient wait for the next chapter. Keep at it and update whenever you can. ~StoryDreamer
Dutchie15 chapter 33 . 5/3/2007
*tear* OMG *sniff* That was like the cutest thing I've ever read in my whole life. *lip trembles* That...was kinda sad for Ryan. Poor thing *hugs*

Great job, I think this was one of your best chapters even though I loved every single one of them. And hey I'm psychic because last night I was thinking about how you might have updated this morning so I could read it before I go to work. So thanks :D
StoryDreamer chapter 33 . 5/3/2007
That was so sweet and sad at the same time. I really want to cry now this is just a terrific wonderful beautiful story. Update when you get the next chance.~StoryDreamer
Dutchie15 chapter 32 . 4/30/2007
I knew that was gonna happen soon. But oh dear, Ryan would need a lot of support when it happened but Calleigh is back in Miami being angry. She better not leave him, because she promised herself (in one of the earlier chapters) to be there for him. Now go on and stick to that promise girl!

Another great chap Jean, can't wait for more ;)
Indy's Lady chapter 32 . 4/30/2007
This chapter was absolutely heart-breaking. I really do hope that they can both work out their various issues. Because after tonight's episode with Ryan being fired and those rather disturbing Eric/Calleigh moments, I need to keep it alive somehow.

Maybe Ryan can begin looking to the future instead of back in the past. Maybe Calleigh can realize that she needs to let the walls around her fall.

I'll sign off before I begin telling you how to write your story. Keep it coming with the quick updates.

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