Reviews for The Odd Duck's Quest
neverlate chapter 32 . 8/17
Let me just say that of all of the fanfictions I have read, and I have read 4000 of the 4600, this was one of my absolute favorites. Bravo! Beautifully written!
Anon chapter 32 . 5/27
I followed this story religiously until it was completed a few years back. I fell in love with your portrayal of Tom and Mary. I suddenly remembered this yesterday, five years after it was completed and started reading it again. After some sleepless hours I can honestly say it was even better than I remembered (if it was even possible because this was definitely one of my top favourite fanfics then)
Thank you for the immense joy you've brought us readers. I hope you're out there getting your work published.
Rosalieemmamailie chapter 32 . 5/8
I really loved it! The only things I would have like is that I would have like a longer and more complete discussion with Elizabeth and Mary. I dont think Elizabeth was without reproof with her dealing with mary
Guest chapter 32 . 4/28
Thank you so much for writing this beloved story! I am especially diverted! I lost some hours of sleep but I must say that it was all worth it!
I hope that you continue writing these stories because dear you have a talent! I am off to look at the rest of your works now and hopefully read more of your works! I do hope you have more stuff about Mr and Mrs Bertram though *sigh
Abby x
whatsnext chapter 15 . 4/25
-sigh- I have reread this story often. Wish I could print it and put it on my bookshelf but ffnet won't let me :(
Guest chapter 32 . 3/24

I just read this gem of a story in a single sitting and I curse myself for not finding it sooner!

Mary, funnily, is as cannon-like as possible and yet, undergoes the most believable progress as a character. TBH, I may like her more than cannon Lizzy, she has many faults which everyone highlights, yet she overcomes them on her own merit. I adore her relationship with Georgiana and Susan, she has finally found sisters!

Your portrayal of Lizzy was probably a tad negative but I find that it is somehow correct too. Lizzy had something none of her sisters had- influence over her father. She didn't use it for her and her sister's benefit and it is also acceptable that she may have started feeling a bit too important after becoming Mrs. Darcy, hence the lectures.

And...Tom. Your hero is a delight. A perfect man, if such a man ever existed. Thanks a lot for your story, it has become my favourite!
Guest chapter 32 . 12/25/2019
Oh man, it's been ages since I stayed up all night to read a fic! This was truly delightful - I love a good Mary story, and reformed!Tom Bertram is one of my favs. You captured the personalities so well, and so wittily, and you did a great job of showcasing how couples can grow together. Love, love, loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
Thank you for writing this amazing fic!. I never get tired of reading it, even if I know what it's going to happen next. Lol!
Alexandra Vupre chapter 32 . 12/14/2019
I love this story! It was an appropriately wild (XD) ride and very enjoyable. I love Mary's growth and your well-written characters. It was truly a joy to have read this. Thank you for your wonderful work!
newt52 chapter 32 . 11/1/2019
This is such an excellent piece of writing. I have read it numerous times over the years and enjoy it so very much. Well done again
ainokea2810 chapter 32 . 7/25/2019
AmandaBaker852 chapter 32 . 4/30/2019
Thanks for writing about the more minor characters in P&P, especially Mary. She was always one of my favourites.
Libeth92 chapter 31 . 1/10/2019
OMG, I've lost count how many times I have read this story. Thank you so much for this, I love it. I must admit that I identify myself a lot with Mary so thank you for giving her a good story.

Although I must also admit that I always get confused about the end, about the children, who's is who's? Except Cassandra, Frank and Marian, but there were others mentioned.
bellachaos chapter 32 . 9/28/2018
I was absolutely delighted by this fic. Though it was at first a bit difficult to reconcile Mary's view of Elizabeth with the beloved Lizzy of canon, it only took a couple of chapters to understand how Mary perceived the relationship. It was wonderful watching Mary grow into a confident and capable young woman and find her place in the world. I loved the way you wrote Mary and Tom's growing friendship and affection for one another. Great job!
xXTheAliceXx chapter 32 . 9/8/2018
I absolutely love it. All of the Character Development is exquisite. They seem so real. When I stopped reading to eat dinner at the end I had to remind myself that I was reading and not watching a TV show
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