Reviews for Oubliette
Guest chapter 9 . 2/22
Very very excellent! I love how you included stories within the story so we could learn about the world in layers.
rachel.olsenwilliams chapter 9 . 10/8/2019
I truly loved this story! It had been years since I last read it and I'm glad I found it again. Thank you
Guest 2019 chapter 9 . 6/19/2019
Complex, beautiful and enthralling. Thank you.
XShadowCatX chapter 9 . 7/18/2018
What a beautiful story! I loved every minute of it, you're such a talented writer. It was also great reading as I'm from the Tampa area ;) haha so many familiar places! I look forward to reading more of your stories!
Guest chapter 9 . 1/24/2017
I didn't catch the Alice in Wonderland reference (I sure hope that the Read me is an echo to the drink me and eat me items that Alice finds). I loved this story although I was a bit worried seeing the shortness of the fic. But I loved it all: the characterisation, the pacing, the wording, everything. Thank you for this piece.
ShaiLovesBooks chapter 4 . 12/7/2016
I apologize that I haven't the chance to review the past four chapters. I've just gotten so-
Oops, I'm already missing the story.. I'll try again in the next chapter ;)
hearagain chapter 9 . 7/26/2016
This was lovely! Thanks for sharing.
Killer Bunny chapter 9 . 6/7/2016
This is so freaking good. It should be made into a movie.
tsitrasong chapter 9 . 6/5/2016
Wow. This was an amazing story-I love the short vignettes and how they intertwined (though indirectly) with the overarching plot. Beautifully written, wonderful.
marshmallowdeviant chapter 9 . 5/18/2016
Insanely well written and so creative. Loved it!:)
Guest chapter 9 . 2/9/2016
This was so lovely to read and I was sad to see it end! Very gripping and well thought out :)
ariella21 chapter 9 . 1/9/2016
Absolutely loved this story stunning writing loved all the little stories so much thought and effort has gone into this story to make it different to all the other labyrinth fics.
snowwhitealice chapter 9 . 12/18/2015
This is such a wonderful story! I loved it!
Charismatic Mouse chapter 9 . 10/13/2015
Wow. I'm blown away by this story. I loved every short story inside the story. It makes the Labyrinth so much more real. Really well done!
Crystal Sugar chapter 9 . 9/19/2015
While I find this story adorable and all, there are things I can't really overlook, and I'm pointing them out not to be an asshole, but for future reference in your story writing:

1)All of the characters don't seem to act anything like they did in the movie, with the exception of Sarah. Did they just develop new personalities, and/or become assholes within the past few years?

2)I hate the side stories in each chapter (I often found myself just skimming over them). How were they pertinent to the story? Were they there to fill space? If it were true information, how could Sarah possibly know that stuff?

3)It is only IMPLIED that she figures out he's the Goblin King (like seriously, how the hell did she not know straight off), but I feel it should be directly stated once she figured it out. One minute I was thinking, "oh she's on to him", and the next it was like, "nope, she thinks the whole situation was a coincidence". Ugh...Which brings me to...

4)Why wasn't her feelings expressed when she realized he was, in fact the Goblin King? She was just like, "oh okay", she wasn't confused, mad, scared (more than 2 minutes), or at all questioning him or his motives which is highly peculiar.

5)This isn't so much of a complaint, I'm just confused as to why in the last few chapters you change the rating to "M" and say there are going to be some "dark" story line, but there was totally not any dark plotting. You completely played tiddly-winks with my heart there.

6)You did not write out the sex scene. I was ready for some smutty goodness between Sarah and Jareth because you wrote some hot, detailed make out sessions, but you gloss over when they actually do the deed? That could have made an entire chapter right there (him 'teaching' her, a bit of kinkiness, what was going on in their heads as it was going on, etc).

7)He wore a condom...Perhaps this is just me that found this odd?...But come on, she was a virgin and he's a goddamn Goblin King, neither of them have STD's and if it's for the whole 'I-don't-want-to-impregnate-this-chick' fiasco then he could like, I don't know, sprinkle some sparkly dust or something to prevent that. *sighs*

8)You don't explain how it came about that Jareth was a professor at her college. Did he just 'wish it'? Did it happen through magic? Is he really leading a double life between the 'goblinland' and earth (sexy goblin king by night, hot-heart throb professor in the day *wink wink*)? Who knows, but I wanted to know. Any scenario would be fine, but to not mention it all was...bleh.

Anyways, I just wanted to give you feedback, but don't read this and be like, "wow, what a cunt", because I promise you I'm not. I sincerely enjoyed your story (and enjoyed your HILARIOUS commentary in your author notes), but I thought those loose ends took away from an otherwise EXCELLENT fanfiction.
Well, thank you for the good read, I hope you keep them coming. :)

-Crystal Sugar
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