Reviews for Life's Toll
Nix Entente chapter 1 . 10/18/2006
Wow. How cool!

I like that you made Duo real. So often, too often, he's stereotyped and polarized. You've balanced out his characteristics nicely. Also, it's interesting that I read this today; I was actually thinking about his hair and how it related to his past this afternoon. Of course...that probably just labels me as a dork. XD

Anyway, I think this is fantastic. Do you have plans for a more extensive piece?
Bunch-o-Nuts chapter 1 . 10/17/2006
Normally, I do not read stories that are under 10 words because most of the time, the person seems to not have enough heart to make it longer. However, I was glad I didn't ignore yours because it is one of the best stories under 10 words I have ever read. Please continue, I think you have a winner here.
Anna McNarin chapter 1 . 9/8/2006
It's a very good start. I hope to see more.
Caldyphen chapter 1 . 9/8/2006
Wow... You have an incredibly descriptive writing style, I love it. I'd love to see where this goes please continue.

Pam chapter 1 . 9/7/2006
Really good!

I love Duo serious persona!