Reviews for Deaths
The Dark Knight's Revenge chapter 3 . 1/31/2010
OK, wow. these are good, just...interesting? the one about gibbs makes sense, so does the one with norrington, but the one with elizabeth doesn't. good job though, please keep writing :D
used to be dragonrider17 chapter 3 . 9/21/2007
rather sick and twisted...and yet...strangely fascinating...xD

kolleniko chapter 1 . 8/20/2007
Finally some1 who hates miss chickenbreasts(elisabeth)just like is very well written but its too can add more details like her pain n stuff.(thats priceless:D)
Contraltissimo chapter 3 . 6/8/2007
Gibbs... *heavy sigh*

*just wallows in all the darkness you've written*

These are just so deliciously depressing. Tempestuously painful. My GOSH woman... you've just fulfilled all my tragedy needs for quite a while. I applaud you. *tips cap*
Contraltissimo chapter 2 . 6/8/2007
I love this perspective. Beautifully written... oh man this just breaks my heart... Cold and heartless. Mercer. That would so figure.

Gads I love these...
Contraltissimo chapter 1 . 6/8/2007
Wow... that *is* tragic. Man that's... Oh Will... dang.


You know I'm almost jealous that you came up with this idea first. XD

Very heavy on the emotions... I like it.
Zaerith Vrinn chapter 3 . 5/7/2007
*Crys* Poor james and Gibbs, Liz can die in more horrible ways, but JAMES AND GIBBS! WAH!

Don't let my crying discourage you I like the story and look forward to see the next chapter *Perfeabley Mercer, or Maccus, Becektt needs to live long enough to see Mercer die.
meowbooks chapter 3 . 3/27/2007
If any of them died I'd be heartbroken. I cried when Jack was swallowed up and I'd known for months he'd be back.
meowbooks chapter 2 . 3/27/2007
*refuses to continue to think about AWE rumors*

I liked it. Um, that sounded strange,but yes I did. No frills, no unneccessary bits that would've taken away from the moment.
meowbooks chapter 1 . 3/27/2007

Very well written. We all think on the dark side every so often, best to put it to good use with a fan fiction. :D
Mavericky chapter 2 . 2/25/2007
SLIGHTLY morbid? *Gags* Haha, just kidding! Very original story, do Beckett next!
Mavericky chapter 1 . 1/27/2007

Do Beckett next!

greenelffish chapter 3 . 1/21/2007
Gibbs :'-(

he's my favorite character (next to jack of course)

i would totally cry in the theater (and i NEVER cry in movie theaters) if gibbs died. im serious.

and these are depressing. well-written, but depressing. and william was a bit out of character.

and to all you elizabeth haters: she reminds me of scarlett o'hara from gone with the wind. shes bold and brave, but so many people hate her because they thing shes a..brat. and okay, so she may be a bit of a slu*..yeah..but come on. she's a complicated character. and brave, like scarlett.
RedHairedElfling chapter 3 . 12/27/2006
Ah! These are so depressing! Gibbs... :C

Yet strangly addicting...
heraldtaliar chapter 3 . 12/19/2006
Wow! I'm really enjoying this series. Can't wait to see which character your morbid mind takes you to next. Gibbs really is too noble to be a pirate, I think. Not nearly self-centered enough. _~
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